At the present time, it must appear to even a casual observer that Milton is a busy place. The work that is in progress calls for many employees; and drawing, as it does, on other branches of trade, produces an enlivenment seldom witnesses in our town. Besides the work in town there is a notable amount of hustling amongst the country people to get something done. The people have the money. That is, some of them have and some of them will spend it. From the best authenticated sources we are informed there has been approximately $35,000 paid out by the four canneries to farmers and growers of tomatoes in this locality this year. Persons who own their farms and the renters will use their part of the money in improvements and in using phosphates and fertilizers for their wheat crop, and for other purposes, while the owners of the land who have no particular uses for their money will stick to it with the tenacity of “grim death to a dead n—r,” holding it as is their custom in a state of penurious idleness. But the conclusions we have arrived at warrant the belief that a few penurious persons cannot stop the flow of advance, particularly when the move is made necessary by a blighted business and destroyed homes. Yes, Milton is going to ruse “Phoenix-like from her ashes.” The movement has begun. And it will be almost impossible to stop the current in its inevitable flow toward prosperity and a better day. People have different thoughts and various aspirations. We may differ as to the modus operandi of security our future greatness but we will get there all the same. Everybody knows how hard it is “top keep one’s foot out of it,” and we have long since concluded to let the men who are building store houses and other properties in Milton, build them to suit themselves. But it is a hard matter, and we often hand ourselves unconsciously, meddled. Wonder if others are in the same way?
On Friday morning J. B. Welch advertised as found a roll of bills. On Saturday morning D. A. Conner found a pocket book with $410.00 in it and soon found an owner. This is not the philosophy that people “have got money to burn,” but money to lose.
“Sam” Wilson has told us “a man asked me about raising pumpkins. I told him I am not an authority on pumpkins and potatoes but am the owner of an undertaking business.” For the pumpkins potatoes I refer you to Dr. Leonard, who is an authority and has a specialty of seeds for pumpkins.
Wise men often disagree! Why is this thus? The colored school lumber is [rotting] for want of use. May we not say the P. E. Church lumber is in as much state of “innocuous desuetude,” as is the former. But we don’t draw a contrast. Wise men often disagree. Ed Bacon says “it will be there.”
G. E. Bryan is building a terrace on the north side of his residence, on Federal Street.
James Wright is building a wheelwright and blacksmith shop on Mulberry Street.
James Palmer and William Mears are firmly underway with their new buildings; and J. L. Black has contracted with Isaac W. Nailor to build his storehouse 25ft x 40ft. C. A. Conner’s building is above the first story; and the window frames are set in the second story.
Rev. Martin Damer has removed with his wife and sister to Pennsylvania.
Miss Ida Ponder and niece Miss Sarah Ponder have returned from a summer outing in Maine.
The S. S. T. T. & D. CO. has had its damages done by the late fire repaired.
Charles Barker was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital on Friday by the Rev. Blackson; but he wouldn’t stay, and was brought back home.
The tides have been very low in the Broadkill during the past few days; and considerable stench has arisen from the mud.
Mrs. Allison Blizzard, nee Welch, of Wilmington, is visiting her parents.
Mrs. Eliza P. Webb, widow of the late Isaac C. Webb, whose death we chronicled last week as having occurred near Oakley, at the advanced age of 84 years, 11 months and 10 days, was the mother of 13 children, 9 of whom are yet living. She was also the grandmother of 67 children, and the great-grandmother of 74 children.
It is reported that Clarence Welch, of Philadelphia, will open a clothing store in one of the new buildings to be erected in town.
Sunday the 31st will be observed as “Rally Day” at the M. P. Church.
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Conwell had a light stroke of paralysis last week.
Rufus Reed has laid the foundation for a dwelling.
There is quite an influx of working men in town, and many private families are taking boarders to keep things moving.
On Sunday morning Joseph M. Lank, Jr., fell and hurt himself; and Joseph M. Lank, Sr., went after a doctor for him. In the afternoon Joseph Jr. got choked with a chestnut—or got the chestnut partly in his glottis. But this time Joseph Sr. did not go after a doctor, but took him to a doctor, and had the chestnut taken out. Joseph Sr. said, “I am not superstitious but I had a premonition on Sunday morning that something would happen during the day. But it’s all over now, and I feel thankful it’s no worse.”
John Hall and Miss Gertrude Baker were married on Sunday evening at the M. E. Parsonage by the Rev. A. C. McGilton.
Palmer & Outten are painting the residence of Mrs. Molly Lingo on North Union Street.
William T. Abbott of Philadelphia was the guest of Henry Warren and family on Monday.
Rev. John Bailey […], aged 76 years, pastor of Brooklyn (Md.) Methodist Protestant Church, one of the oldest active members of the Maryland Annual Conference of the denomination, and who served as an honorary pallbearer at the funeral of Abraham Lincoln in 1865, died at 8 o’clock Tuesday night October 12th at his home from paralysis. He was a direct descendant of one of the Delaware signers of the Declaration of Independence. Dr. Jones was born at Milton, December 5th, 1833. He was a son of the late James W. and Elizabeth D. Jones. He received his education at the Laurel and Milton Academies, He taught in the public schools of Milton and Lewes.
The weather of the past few days has brought about the discardence [sic] of straw hats and called into requisition overcoats and other appurtenances necessary to a cooler atmosphere.