If there is anything that the officials of the M. D. and V. R. R. may congratulate themselves on, it is their maintenance of a good road bed, and their avidity for excursions and perhaps their frequency of changing schedule, and by the way, they are right in the excursion for there is more money in them than there is in ordinary passenger traffic, and if the community will patronize them the railroad is the better off, financially. But they will soon stop for this season.
Mrs. Rebecca Ellegood died suddenly at Quantico, Md., on September 26th. The obsequies were solemnized at Laurel, on Wednesday afternoon the 29th. Deceased was the widow of the late Rev. J. A. Ellegood, about forty years ago, pastor of the Milton M. P. Church; and sister to Mrs. Dashields, wife of Dr. Dashields who formerly kept a drug store on the T. J. Atkins corner in North Milton. By the death of Mrs. Ellegood the M. P. Church has lost a great worker in the Lord’s cause.
It is reported that William H. Mears has contracted with a Maryland party to build him a dwelling, store house, and barber parlor.
Joseph L. Black contemplates building a store house on the lot he has purchased opposite the burnt district, 25 ft. front by 50 ft. back; and Oliver Hazzard contemplates building one of the same dimensions and join it to Mr. Black’s.
As stated last week, on Monday C. A. Conner bought a lot of James Ponder, Esq. On Wednesday he contracted with Davidson & Pepper to build a store house 41 ft. by 50 ft., two stories, and on that afternoon the contractors had a pump driven and commenced hauling bricks; on Thursday they began excavating and grading, and on Monday of this week a dozen men were watching five men at work laying the foundation, and four teams hauling bricks. The building will be of brick, with metal roof, and plate glass front.
The oyster law was on Friday, and the bivalves were in town on Saturday.
Joseph L. Black is having the Warren store house repainted.
Miss Lizzie Barker and Miss Edith Morris[i] have been elected delegates to represent the Christian Endeavor Society of the M. P. Church at the State Convention to be held at Georgetown, October 21st and 22nd.
The rector of St. Paul’s Church, Georgetown, the Rev. D. Wilmot Gateson, conducted services at St. John Baptist P. E. Church on Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Maggie Krebs of Linwood, N. J., has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua W. Baily.
Mrs. Molly Lingo has new roofed her property on North Union Street.
George Johnson has moved into the property of W. W. Conwell near town.
At the State W. C. T. U. Convention held in Wilmington last week, Miss Lillian Cade of this town was elected delegate to the Worlds Convention to be held at Glasgow, Scotland, in July 1910.
William Stevens is enlarging the wheelwright shop of Irvin King, corner Chestnut and Atlantic Streets.
Lime “bully” Rambo and schooner Sand Snipe arrived on Friday loaded with phosphate.
Steamer Marie Thomas having finisher her contract at the Miah-Maull Light Station, has returned to Milton and loaded this week with canned goods for the R. O. Company, for Philadelphia.
Very little moving promises to be done in town at the beginning of another year. The most important will be the removal of the office of the Milton Times, from its present habitation into the lower room of the old Milton Academy east corner Front and Chestnut Streets. Curtis Reed’s building on Front Street is for sale or rent. See advertisement elsewhere in this paper.
On Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mitten of Milford Neck, Elmer Short, mother and son, Adolphus Johnson and wife, Oscar Johnson and wife of Lincoln, Purnell Johnson and wife of Milton, Cleveland Reed and Irena Steelman, were the guests of Theodore Johnson and family of near Milton.
The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning and an experience meeting was held under the leadership of Captain G. E. Megee.
On Sunday evening the Rev. Smith preached a temperance sermon at the M. P. Church, and administered the Eucharist.
Mrs. Elizabeth Jones is quite ill with cancer of the stomach, at the home of her son, on Chestnut Street.
Miss Hattie Coverdale of Ellendale was the guest of Henry Warren and family on Sunday.
The Broadkiln Hundred Sunday School Convention was held at Reynold M. P. Church on Tuesday afternoon and evening. The M. E. Church was represented by Captain G. E. Megee.
One of the children of a Bohemian family at work in the cannery at Harbeson died last week, aged 2 years and 5 days. Burial was made by S. J. Wilson & Son in the Beaver Dam Cemetery on Sunday. The foreign help at Harbeson cannery generally pat toll of one or more children in the Beaver Dam Cemetery each year that they are here.
A little fellow belonging to the help at the Goodwin cannery fell overboard and came near being drowned on Friday. He barely escaped with considerable fright.
William Stevens has rented the room now occupied by the Milton Times.
Another schedule went into effect on the M. D. & V. R. R. on Monday morning. By the present arrangements the morning train going west leaves Milton at 7.33, and the afternoon train at 1.12. Trains bound east arrive at Milton 11.47 a. m. and the evening train at 8.15, except on Saturdays, when it is scheduled to arrive at 7.37. All trains going west connect at Ellendale for points north.
A great many Broadkiln persons are attending the Court at Georgetown this week.
A survey for the widening of Front and Union Streets was made on Monday, but on account of a depleted treasury, the work may not begin this year.
The ground has been cleared for the building of two double houses on North Mulberry Street, by W. W. Conwell.
Thomas Spencer has cut his large field of buckwheat, on the W. H. Chandler farm.
The Colored Schools of north Milton opened on Monday with Miss Jennie Baer, of Wrightsville, Pa., principal, and Mrs. Esther Allen of Slaughter Neck, assistant. The colored school house in north Milton is situated on Union Street and is directly in the wake of any persons entering Milton from the north. Therefore it would seem to even an uninterested observer that it should be kept in decent repair. Instead, however, there are three shutters off, the underpinning on the front and north side is picked out, and the twelve light window in the gable fronting Union Street has every pane of glass broken. And the present condition of the building was in condition last year. There is also lumber on the ground that has been laying there since last spring, to enlarge the building. This will rot if nothing is done with it. Somebody is to blame for this condition of things. We think the sight of this building would make an interesting study for the County School Committee of old Sussex.
The packing season is over. Anderson & Co. quit last Wednesday, and their foreign help left on Friday. Workman & CO. quit on Friday; the R. P. Co. on Tuesday and the Goodwin works […].[…]. The pack this year has been […], […] the last two weeks. Labelling has commenced and the proprietors […].
S. J. Wilson & Son have arrived at a conclusion regarding the building they will erect, although they have made no contract, yet. The dimensions will be 40 ft., on Front Street, and 54 ft., three stories. The walls will be of concrete blocks—8 in. x 12 in. x 16 in.—and 12 inches thick metal roof, and such other modernisms as an undertaking establishment and furniture emporium may suggest. The concrete blocks will be made on the dock near the site of the burnt building and of material obtained near town.
Rev. Sheriden, D, D., president of the Maryland Annual Conference, will preach at the M. P. Church on Sunday evening next.
Special evangelistic services will begin at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening October 10. John Clark, a converted engineer of the Pennsylvania Railroad, will be here and assist the pastor Rev. A. C. McGilton.
[i] Both Lizzie Barker and Edith Morris were members of Fannie Leonard’s Sunday School class at the M. P. Church, and their names are on the Sunday School window on the east wall.