September 3, 1909

It seems hardly necessary to correct an egregious typographical error that occurred in our communication of last week. It was as follows: “The Ponder Block owned by James Ponder, Joseph Walls, and Mrs. Mary Fields’ dwelling were not burned.” Instead of the word “burned” it should have been “insured,” as anyone who reads the context may see.

Our people are getting into shape again and assuming their business, which has only temporarily been stopped. The insurance companies have adjusted all their claims, although there may be some procrastination in settling the amounts. But there is nothing to prevent a settlement.

Charles Burton the paper maniac was taken to the University of Pennsylvania last week by the Rev. M. P. Jackson of Georgetown. There being no alienist[i] at the hospital, Mr. Jackson was obliged to return with his charge back to Milton. He is to take him again on the 16th of October, when he will be treated free of charge.

The following death notice was received last week from a lady at Ocean City, N. J., too late for publication: “Mr. George Simpler, who was born in Broadkiln, Sussex County, February 12th, 1817, died of double pneumonia August 19th, 1909. He was buried Sunday August 22nd, West Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia. He was the son of the late Emeline Simpler, nee Vaughn, and Andrew M. Simpler. He leaves a widow, two sons and a daughter.

John H. Davidson has repaired the damages done to C. A. Conner’s residence by the late fire.

Miss Esther Robbins gave a party on Tuesday evening to a number of her friends, at her home on Federal Street.

Black & Lingo have fitted up the old academy and resumed the mercantile business therein.

J. Paxson Johnson of this town has bought of Thomas Lollis of New York a 60 acre farm located in Cedar Creek Hundred. Mr. Johnson will remove there at the beginning of another year and improve it as his home residence, under the name “Marydel.”

Dr. Leonard has been appointed night watchman at the Goodwin Bros. & Conwell works. There were several applicants for the position; but Dr. Leonard’s war record is what counted.

T. J. Gibson and family of Philadelphia are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Paxson Johnson, on Federal Street.

John Warrington has removed with his family to Lewes.

Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Behringer and son of Swedesboro, N, J, are visiting Broadkiln Beach and Milton.

John Coverdale of Bowers spent a few days last week with his daughter, Mrs. Millard Johnson.

James S. Johnson of Philadelphia has been visiting his son Millard Johnson near town.

Charles P. Wilson brought a watermelon to town that measured 23 inches in length and 31 inches in circumference.

John Coverdale lost a valuable horse last week.

Nehemiah Reynolds of near Coolspring is reported quite ill with typhoid.

A few farmers near town are saving fodder.

The morning glory crop promises to be large again this summer.

William Maull’s horse fell dead on Friday as he was coming into town.

There appears to be something the matter with the tomato crop in this locality. While the vines are reported to be laden with the vegetable, comparatively few have been coming to the factories during the past week. They appear not to ripen and many attribute this to the dry weather, and consequently want of rain. Hot, dry and dusty has been the weather […] for last week, but on Sunday afternoon a very light sprinkling of rain cooled the atmosphere somewhat, and on Monday morning a northern breeze prevailed.

James Palmer is busy having the rubbish removed from his land where his property once stood, and having the ground graded preparatory to something […] the nature of which is not yet known. It may be said that all the persons who owned the land upon which their property was burnt are cleaning away the remains. Those whose burnt property was on rented land, or was held in trust, as beneficiaries are doing nothing toward rehabilitating the burnt district, and presumably will not unless better inducements that are at present offered, are made. Because we don’t know, and inquiry gains us buy little information, we cannot state with any approximation of certainty what will be done in Milton. The people do not know themselves. There is a lot of fog horn blasts on the mark, coming from those who have nothing in it, and are likely to have something in it.

We are likely to make enough mistakes when we do our best to get the train, and prefer, in a general sense, to leave what we are talking about, or at least to give us uncertain sound by any accidental blowing. The rubbish, mortar bats, etc. that is being hauled from the ruins is utilized in filling […] and morasses. Par […] the one near the bridge is being made a macadam and will doubtless stand the strength of the water, in not being washed away. When the “hot air” blasts grow less, and something solid materializes we may give the distant reader some idea of what we are doing in Milton.

The colored camp commenced on Sunday. Before the meeting the committee on arrangements made a decided improvement to the entrance to the camp ground by cutting down the brambles on the margin of the lake, which gives a better view to the ground across the lake. Monday morning [..remainder of paragraph illegible].

[…next four paragraphs illegible…]

C. H. Atkins, Jr., preached at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning, and on Sunday evening J. B. Welch preached on […].

The Milton Public Schools will open on September 12th […] which will be decided at a meeting of the Board of Education to be held on Friday evening.

Mrs. George […] of Philadelphia, and Mrs. […] of Wilmington, who have been visiting Dr. J. C. Wiltbank and family and other friends, have returned to their homes.

R. C. White, Esq., of Georgetown, was in town on Sunday, looking after the interests of the “[…].” […][ on the good rate that [,,.] at Georgetown on Sunday evening, and the p…] we had in Milton, “[…]” said, “The Milton people don’t pray enough.” We […] the truth.

[…next two paragraphs illegible-]

G. B. Atkins is repainting the part of C. A. Conner’s house damaged by the fire.

Miss Virginia Brockinton has a position as saleslady in William Wagamon’s store corner Wharton and Chestnut Streets.


[i] Psychiatrist (archaic)