The William Mears building on Federal Street appears to be meeting with bad luck, or possibly it is bad management all along the line. Arthur O. German of Hurlock, Md., contracted to build this house for Mrs. Annie E. Mears, wife of William Mears. The contract price is said to have been $4200. The walls of the building are up, the roof on, the floors laid, the partitions up, and the building partly lathed. The contractor has been paid $2500 and alleges $500 more to now be due upon the completion of the work thus far. The Lewes National Bank we understand to be financing the job through its Milton depository. A demand was made, probably three weeks ago, by Mr. German, upon the Milton depository, for the payment of the $500 alleged to be due, as per agreement. Payment was refused, because it had come to the knowledge of the bank that the contractor was not paying his bills, and there are several hundred dollars due persons for labor on the building and material used in its construction. Upon this just refusal the contractor quit work, and subsequently removed his tools from the town. For two weeks or more efforts have been made to bring about some kind of an adjustment. All have failed. Liens have been filed against the building by the Lofland Brick Company for material furnished; and by Harvey C. Beach for work done, and notices of the same were posted on Friday. The hearing will come before the judges at Georgetown on April 4th. It looks much as though the lawyers and the law will get the building and the land on which it is being built.

George Fowler, after spending several weeks with his aunt, Mrs. Mary Fields, left Milton last week, his objective point being Panama. He took Frank, son of Mrs. Fields, with him. If this venture of Mrs. Fields does not miscarry it may prove the best venture “Frankie” ever made. For to stay in Milton as “Frankie” said, doing nothing like many other young men, he would become like them—not worth a “hob bee.”[i]
David Wiltbank has been making some alteration to the back building of his property on Federal Street.
David Dutton’s new building corner Mulberry and Lavinia Streets is being painted by the […] borthers.
C. A. Conner went to Philadelphia last week and bought five horses, for selling purposes.
Gardeners and truckers are very careful in observing the “signs: and planting seeds for vegetables. The wind must not be at the east, either when seeds are planted; if it should be the blossoms, when they come will all drop off. (?)
Rev. A. C. McGilton, D. D., has been returned by conference to Milton for another year. It is doubtful whether Conference could have sent us a better man.
Frank Carey’s lighter has been repaired and launched; and is engaged in bringing sand from the beach to town to be used in concrete work.
Ralph F. Causey, Jr., of Cambridge, Md., is visiting Earle Bryan of near town, and many of his former Milton friends.
Edward Jones of near town who has been quite ill with pneumonia is convalescing and was able to be in town on Friday.

Miss Lydia Black[ii], who is teaching school at Newark, Del., spent Easter with her parents.
The minstrel show given by Firemen Band was not up to the expectations of the management. We are of the opinion of many others, that more money would be realized at fifteen cents admission that at twenty-five cents admission to entertainments of this kind.
Mrs. J. H. B. Mustard has had the fence taken away from the front of her property on Chestnut Street and a brick wall put in front of the property.
James Palmer has Wilmington mechanics putting the tin roof and metal entablature on his block of buildings on Federal Street.
Robert Willey, who has been confined to his home several weeks with neuralgia is now able to be out.
Captain Charles Charleson of Portland, Maine, is the guest of Captain George A. Goodwin and family from Friday to Monday.
Last November a car load of stone bought by Isaac W. Nailor was received at the Milton station. The crushed stone cost, at Port Deposit, $11.80; the freight charged were $77.80. On account of this exorbitant charge, Mr. Nailor refused to receive it. It was unloaded at the station and after being advertised was sold on Thursday for the fright charges, and bought by S. J. Wilson for $45.50.
Daniel Townsend is having the wood set up he has cut opposite Lavinia Wood, and will soon begin to burn it into coal.
Miss Katie Coverdale of Ellendale was the guest of Henry Warren and family over Sunday.
John Robinson’s new building on Mulberry Street is enclosed.
The Easter Carnival held by the young people of the M. E. Church on Friday and Saturday evenings was a big affair. Besides the usual attractions of ice cream and confectionary, hot house flowers, brought from a distance—roses, carnations, ferns, sweet peas and air plants—were on sale, and bought with avidity by connoisseurs of the beautiful. This was something new in this time, and its success was so wonderful we may expect the carnival to be duplicated in the near future.
In this locality the wind was easterly all day on Easter Sunday; and according to the old saying it will be there, most of the time, for the next six weeks.
[..] P. Burton has made some repairs to his front porch, and put concrete steps in front.
Miss […] Manship of Philadelphia was a Milton guest on Sunday.
Miss Edith Wilson of Philadelphia spent Easter with her mother and sister.
[…] Conner and Mrs. Bertha Sipp of Milford were guests of Mrs. Emma Johnson and family on Sunday.
[…] Johnson is having that part of his dwelling lately built on Chestnut Street painted.
David A. Conner has been appointed Census Enumerator of the First Election District, of the Fourth Representative District—comprising Broadkiln Hundred.
Easter was truly celebrated at the three Methodist Churches in this town. At an early hour on Sunday morning we stopped at the A. M. E. Church on Mulberry Street where some colored ladies were engaged in trimming the interior, mostly with daffodils. The exercises of the morning at the churches of the whites were of an Easter character. The music of the M. E. Church orchestra was fine, both vocal and instrumental. The violin and two cornets, mixed with the organ’s notes, are surely e3xhilarating, and really leads one to worship the music more than Deity. The Sunday Schools of both the M. P. and M. E. Church gave entertainments on Easter evening. The floral decorations were grand, and up to Milton’s aesthetic sense of beauty.
William Derrickson, having been confined to his home nearly all winter, is able to be out.
The man who is to attend to the burning of the charcoal near town, has moved his caboose on the ground and is getting ready for his work.
Joshua Carey and wife, an aged pair, who have been confined within doors for many weeks, are rejuvenating with spring’s advent.
Captain Frank Lacey has nicely painted the new office built by the Milton Fertilizer Company, of which he is a member.
A case of diphtheria was reported this morning at the home of Clarence Johnson on Front Street. The building has been quarantined, and a hospital flag is flying.
Martha Johnson, wife of William Johnson, died near Coolspring on Tuesday the 22nd of consumption, aged 40 years. Funeral at Burton’s Chapel on Thursday, by the Rev. Robert Wright, and burial in adjacent cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
[i] This is probably the expression “not worth a hobby.” Among the various meanings of hobby is a small horse or pony, or a toy horse.
[ii] This is Lydia Black Cannon, after whom the Lydia B. Cannon Museum is named. More information about her is available through this link.