On Sunday morning the Rev. A. C. McGilton, D. D., made the startling announcement that on next Sunday he expects to preach his last sermon from the Milton pulpit. The news was startling because unexpected; yet it has been developed, change has been in abeyance since the Salisbury Conference. Mr. McGilton received a letter on Saturday evening informing him he had been transferred to the Connecticut Conference, and would be stationed at Harford. Dr. Lusk will come to Milton. (The latter is not vouched for as exactly correct though believed to be.) It is understood that the Rev. William Hudson of Zion, White Chapel and the Nassau Charge has been transferred to another conference. There appears to be a shaking up someway amongst the ministerial fraternity, but certainly the laity have nothing to do with it, and particularly the laity of the Milton M. E. Church. There is too much unification amongst them to do any wrong. O, no; there is nothing out of gear with the Milton membership.
On Sunday afternoon the M. E. Sunday School elected Miss Laura Milton Conner delegate to attend the State Convention to be held in Wilmington on April 27th and 28th. Miss Lottie Welch was chosen alternate.
Robert Mugford of Syracuse, N. Y., was the guest of Otis Goodwin and family, last week.
Anent, the “Mothers Meeting” mentioned elsewhere we read an account of one, given in a daily, where a spinster was expatiating on the rights of children; when a mother replied, “It appears to me you ignore their right to be born.”
On Monday Isaac W. Nailor commenced to put concrete pavements in front of J. L. Black and Carey & Darby’s store houses. He also is at work finishing up the Mears building.
We were somewhat astonished on Monday morning to see the dogwood in bloom; and the other varieties of “trees of the woods” are putting out their buds. The maple trees of the town are in leaf, and the grass by the wayside is green. All these proclaim that spring is really here.
It was intended to commence excavating for the foundation of the undertaking and furniture store of S. J. Wilson & Son, this week, but owing to the illness of the contractor, the work has been held over until next week.
On the night of March 3rd, Louis H. White of this town shot Frank (Babe) Simpler in the mouth with a revolver, knocking out three teeth. The act was committed on North Union Street and was over a girl. He was arrested and arraigned before Justice Collins, who held him in [..] bail for court. Being unable to give bail he was sent to Georgetown jail. Last week his case came before the Court, when he plead “guilty,” and was probated to N. W. White—for two years—prothonotary and formerly of Milton. White was in town on Tuesday evening and seen going in the direction where the cause of his trouble lives.
Goodwin & Co. shipped another invoice of canned goods last week.
Plasterers have commenced work on the inside of David Dutton’s building, corner Mulberry and Lavinia Streets.
Captain George Hunter has put a fine wire fence in front of his lot at the east of Atlantic Street.
Fred Reed has built a stable and carriage house as out buildings to his property on Sand Street.
Large quantities of railroad ties, with the bark […] off, are being collected along the road, and presumably, a part of them are to be used on the M. D. & V. track.
The town assessment has been completed and a copy of it may be consulted at the post office.
Mrs. Andrew Conoway has been suffering with an attack of asthma at Sculltown.
Ernest Conwell has been quite ill at his home in the suburbs.
Mrs. George Reed and Son, of Philadelphia, are the guests of Adolphus Johnson and family on Chestnut Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scattergood and children of Germantown, Pa., have been the guests of C. G. Waples and family.
[…] R. Draper has put a new roof on one side of his cannery near the railroad station.
George B. Atkins is doing the glazing on the Palmer Block of buildings, and there’s plenty of it.
George E. Megee shipped a car load of rough lumber last week.
Mrs. Ida Fox has bought of Mrs. C. M. McCoy a cottage on Broadkiln Beach.
[…] has been appointed bridge tender at Drawbridge at a salary of $290.00 per annum.
Last week […] Brittingham had his right leg severely injured. He was sawing wood at Overbrook, when a circular saw run by a portable […] engine, when his leg caught in the belt.
The W. C. T. U. will hold a […] at the house of Miss Jennie Lynch on Thursday afternoon, April 28th.
The W. C. T. U will hold its regular business meeting at the home of Mrs. Annie Hopkins on Monday evening 18 inst.
Clarence Jefferson has commence to build a [….] near the railroad station, at the southern part of the town. The main building will […].
[…] are reminded of the happy days, when:
The apple blossoms kissed her hair,
She prayed the daisies wreath them
Ah me! The blossoms still are there,
But she lies deep beneath them.[i]
There was quite a large frost in this locality on last Saturday morning. It is believed no damage to fruit is done.
George Prettyman late of Slaughter Neck but more recently of Wilmington removed from the latter place on Friday to the farm of W. W. Conwell, near town.
John H. Davidson has completed the new residence of Alfred (Doc) Lofland, near town and Mr. Lofland expects to remove therein, next week. It is quite a nice residence, and represents a beautiful appearance and when the lawn which the owner contemplates making in front of the building shall have been completed, it will be one of the most handsome country homes in the vicinity of Milton.
A nice rain on Wednesday, though light, did considerable good and early vegetables are stimulated thereby.
H. P. Burton is having his residence on Federal Street repainted by Outten & Palmer.
J. B. Welch, druggist, has receive a supply of Dr. Hellprecht’s Deluge Tablets (?) While these may not have the effect of changing the patient’s views toward the Bible account of the Deluge, they may be a benefit toward confirming him in his belief in the Old Book. Dose: Three tablets one hour before reading Moses’ account of the flood.
Lee Smith is making improvements to the farm he recently purchased for Mrs. Eli B. Carey, near town.
Miss Sarah Atkins has been elected delegate and Miss Mary Robbins to represent the Y. W. C. T. U. at the county convention to be held at Lincoln on April 28th.
[i] Quotation from The Apple-Trees at Even, by Thomas Nelson Page (1853 – 1922); the second line actually reads “The daisies prayed she wreathe them.” Page was a lawyer and writer, and also served as U. S. ambassador to Italy during the Woodrow Wilson administration.