The most disgusting sight we now have in Milton is the small boy, with a pipe in his mouth. It is almost an every morning occurrence. The boys are seen going to school with a satchel crammed with books, and the omnipresent pipe in their mouths. If questioned about smoking they will reply, “My parents know that I smoke.” And from all appearances they do; and presumption is, the pipes are loaded at home, and also lighted there; although we have seen some of these boys stop along the street to beg a match, or put down their books and hoist up one leg and strike a match on their trousers to light their old black pipe. Some of these boys are not over twelve or fourteen years of age, some of them younger, and are studying hygiene—or ought to be—but what is the use of their studying if they are not going to apply what they learn, so far as they are taught, about the deleterious effect of tobacco on the human system, especially of the young. But if parents allow their children to do this thing, we must expect the boys will do it.
The Milton girls who ride horseback are not up to the Georgetown, Milford and Frederica ladies. They do not ride a-straddle. We have raised this matter over, showing up its advantageous points and contending that this mode of riding is one of the accomplishments of the century. But our girls do not take kindly to the suggestion.
J. B. Welch, although possessed of many accomplishments, does not pretend to archaeology not to be versed in the translation of Egyptian cuneiforms and hieroglyphs; but he often has to do something like it. At least he thinks so.
As far as we know there are but three pairs of oxen in Broadkiln Hundred. Last week the peculiar sight—peculiar of late years—of one of these yokes hitched ahead of a pair of mules, hauling a loaded wagon through town, aroused the risibles of the professional loafer. The sight was startling! It looked funny.
The foundation for a monument was laid in the M. E. Cemetery last week by J. R. Atkins and a handsome granite slab has been placed thereon to the memory of the late William H. Megee.
The school in lower Broadkiln closed a week ago and Miss Mary Dickerson of Ellendale, who has been teaching the “young idea how to shoot” near the banks of the Broadkiln, has gone to her home.
Columbus Welch has now an opportunity for recreation on the streets of Milton; as the school he has been teaching in Cave Neck, closed on Friday.
Mrs. Ida Fox upholstered the cottage last week she purchased on Broadkiln Beach.
Fred Pepper has finished the concrete pavements if front of Carey & Darby’s and J. L. Black’s stores on Union Street. There is now a stretch of pavement (concrete) ten feet wide extending from Conner’s store down Union Street to and including Carey & Darby’s store. A fine sidewalk.
Rev. C. A. Behringer’s launch has the house on and will soon be completed.
A reception—as it was called; but it appears to me it is a misname—was held at the M. E. church on Wednesday evening in honor of the Rev. A. C. McGilton. When Mr. McGilton returned from Conference they gave him no reception, and now as he is about to leave Milton they hold a—what?—was it a reception? Strange name! And stranger proceedings. Would not an affair of this kind smelled better under a different name? However, they had a good time. Speeches by the learned intellects of Milton were made, eulogistic of Mr. McGilton’s pastorate, and kind hopes and prognostications for his future welfare. After the speeches and flattery had ended, refreshments were served and partaken by the many present. The reception was finance by the Ladies Aid Society. McGilton left for his future charge—Westerly, R. I.—on Tuesday.
The Palmer Block of buildings is beginning to look nice, with its upper glaze front and fancy metal entablature. This work is progressing favorably and the buildings will be completed sometime in the early summer months.
Mrs. May Blizzard of Wilmington is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Welch.
Rev. J. D. Smith, former pastor of the M. P. Church of this town, has been sent by the Maryland Annual Conference to another field; and the Rev. Frank Holland takes his place in Milton. Mr. Holland is not unknown in Milton and Broadkiln, having been raised within a short distance of this town, and a few years ago was pastor of Beaver Dam Circuit. The knowledge the people of Milton have of him is creditable and the members of his congregation will receive him with affection and the marked respect due to his position as their pastor; or, at least, the real Christian part of them will.
Rev. J. D. Smith has completed two years of pastoral work in Milton and is removed, at his own request, to a position where he can combine school work with pulpit work. While the most of his congregation are loathe to part with him, they are yet glad that he obtained a cherished object, and wish him well in his new sphere. Mr. Smith is a young man and a bright6 future is before him, and with his many other friends the Milton Correspondent wishes him a brilliant career.
The need of Milton for a trading vessel to Philadelphia for small freight has been supplied by Captain Joseph M. Warrington, who has returned from the latter city with the schooner [….] stay to Philadelphia, and bring back to Milton any goods our merchants may need from that city.
John F. Wilson, last Monday, brought to town from his farm nearby, a quantity of cabbage that had survived the winter and have […] the present spring. The merchants are selling them.
On Wednesday afternoon Town Council met at the Mayor’s office to hear appeals from the town assessments.
James Morris, an aged citizen, is convalescing from a recent attack of illness.
The following letter bearing date of March 22nd has been received by postmaster Black from Kianock, Alaska:
Postmaster, Milton, Delaware
Dear Sir:–Mr. H. A. Warrington of Seattle, and one of the best mining men of the coast, and formerly of Milton, Delaware, was drowned on March 17th. His yacht is on the rocks, and breaking to pieces. Kindly report to his people and oblige. Yours truly, E. Peterson.
Mr. Warrington leaves a widow and one son who are residents of West Chester.
A large frost on last Thursday morning is thought to have done no damage to fruit.
Ernest Conwell was taken by Dr. Wilson to the Jefferson Hospital on Friday for treatment of an abdominal trouble.
The principal of the Milton Public Schools walked from Ellendale to Milton on Sunday in a pouring rain; and when he arrived in town he looked like a “drowning rat.” Like ourself, Mr. Harrington believes in a cold water bath, but we prefer to take it in another way.
Charles Virden has removed this week into the property he recently purchased on Federal Street.
Rev. Frank Holland, the newly appointed M. P. minister, preached in that pulpit on Sunday both morning and evening. He will probably remove to town this week.
A public Love Feast was held at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning, and on Sunday evening the Rev. McGilton preached his farewell sermon to his Milton congregation.
A big fire raged to the southwest of Milton, on Friday and Saturday. It is said to have done much damage to timber. We understand a dwelling, stable, etc. were also consumed. The rain of Sunday extinguished the flame.
A badly needed rain set in during Saturday night and continued until Sunday noon, doing much good to growing vegetation, and laying the dust which the day previous was very disagreeable.
Mrs. Ida Fox has returned from a business trip to Snow Hill, Md.
Henry Morris and wife of Frederica have been visiting Mr. Morris’ father and family.
William Mason, on Monday, stepped into a hole and broke his leg above the ankle. This is particularly unfortunate for Mr. Mason at this time of year when farming operations are just beginning. We sympathize with him.
Plasterers are at work inside of the Palmer block of buildings, and also have commenced on William Mears’ building.
Rev. J. D. Smith will leave Milton this week for Virginia where he will spend the summer, after which he will go to a University.