The following is part of an editorial taken from the Philadelphia Inquirer of several days back. As possibly many of our readers may not have seen it, we think it pertinent to reproduce it, as there is material for much thought in the lines.
“Colonel Roosevelt emerged from the jungle to tell the Egypt for Egyptians party in Cairo that they were all wrong. He informed the Frenchmen that they ought to raise more babies. In Germany he told of the beauties of peace, but advised the Emperor that the maintenance of the fighting edge was the salvation of a nation. In England he instructed the British government in the art of governing Egypt. He returned to America and at the first opportunity made it known to the legislature of New York that, in his opinion, the only thing to do was to pass a bill concerning direct primaries that had been urged by Governor Hughes. The legislature resented the interference, and very promptly repudiated both the bill and the Colonel. With what mingled emotions must the people of Egypt, of France, of Germany and of England read of the refusal of the Legislative Assembly of New York to follow Roosevelt’s “promptings?” Query: Is it not possible for a man to become too smart, so smart or strenuous that he wants to be meddling with that which does not concern him?”
The grass during the past week has been cleaned from the Mary Fisher sidewalk on Chestnut Street, and also form in front of the M. E. Cemetery on Mill Street, and from many other public places.
Dr. R. T. Wilson has had the old foundation from under his front porch on North Union Street, and a better one put in its stead.
The girls, who have been attending the “Summer School” at Dover, returned home last Friday, fully fledged and graduated after a five weeks’ course. They are now seeking schools, and are prepared to teach the “young idea how to school.”
Dr. R. S. Stephens, optician, of Dover, spent Wednesday at the store of Miss Eva Smith, examining eyes, and fitting glasses to the needy ones.
The cabin of the coal burner, near town, has been removed from its former sunny position, under a spreading tree producing some shade. It has also been enlarged. More help has been added, and another shack moved upon the place. A canvas tent is also noticed, and when last we visited the scene, two horses were tethered nearby, and a buggy awaited an occupant. Possibly the coming colored camp meeting may have something to do with all of this. The coal is being housed in the building recently erected at Lavinia Switch, and is ready for shipment.
Mrs. Priscilla Douglass, of Camden, N. K., is visiting friends near town.
Mrs. Sallie Brittingham, of Stevensville, Md., is the guest of Albert Wilson and family at Stevensville, Del.
Edward Anderson and wife, of Philadelphia, are being entertained by Mrs. Mary Morris.
Mrs. James A. Davis, of Philadelphia, is the guest of her parents. Justice of the Peace Eli C. and Mrs. Collins.
Mrs. William R. Chandler and two children, of Scranton, Pa., are at Mrs. L. B. Chandler’s.
Mrs. Edward Bacon returned from Baltimore on Monday.
Misses Helen Conwell and Frances Manning, of Lewes, and Miss Mary Houston, of Georgetown, have been visiting Miss Agnes Lacey.
R. B. Porter, U. S. Emigration Commissioner at St. John, N. B., is making his annual visit to his daughter and son-in-law, Mayor John U. and Mrs. Jones.
A load of fodder telescoped with Henry Warren on Friday and threw him across one of the wheels of the wagon, injuring his side severely.
The. M. E. Sunday School made an excursion to Rehoboth on Friday via M. D. & V. R. R. There were 154 adults and children of both sexes.
That crossing on N. Broad Street at its confluence with Mulberry needs repairing by someone. Attend to the wine, and somebody may not get hurt.
Benjamin P. Morgan has been reappointed janitor of the Milton Schoolhouse at a salary of $20.00 per month.
Mrs. Clarence Welch and son, of Philadelphia, are guests of J. B. Welch and family.
Miss Lillian Cade, retuned last week from Glasgow, Scotland, whither she had been a delegate from Delaware to the World’s W. C. T. U. Convention.
The “Lillian Cade Union” of Cave Creek hold a picnic on Saturday afternoon on the lawn at the Peter Dutton farm near town. Rev. Arcers, of Wilmington,. Secretary of the Anti-Saloon League, was the principal speaker. There were many in attendance. Refreshments were served free, and a good time spent.
Mr. Case made his first shipment of peaches from the Chandler Farm on Saturday. There was about a carload consigned to his landlord at Scranton, Pa. The trees in this orchard ae so full of fruit that the lower limbs are weighed down to the ground.
On Saturday the first registration took place at the Mayor’s office. There were 171 registered.
Many took advantage of the eight per cent school tax rebate on Saturday here.
Louis Mathias, after a pleasant visit in town and at Broadkiln Beach, has returned to his home in Millville, N. J.
Miss Emma Mathias, of Millville, N. J., is the guest of Miss Lydia Fox.
The cottages on Broadkiln Beach are all filled.
Wild cherries are plentiful near the suburbs of town.
The canneries are getting ready for the tomato pack.
Capt. Charles Cannon, of the American Dredging Company, passed Monday in Milton.
There is much dissatisfaction manifested because the Lavinia Camp Meeting Committee decided to abandon the proposed camp. To the writer it makes no difference whether a camp meeting is held or no; he can always hold one by himself when he gets ready, and be in good company. But look at the inconsistency of those who grumble! They are the persons who seldom or never go to church, and yet expect the church to finance a camp meeting, and spiritualize us—if we may be allowed to use the phrase—for their pleasure. And whatever diabolism or degeneracy is carried on near the ground, the church is held responsible for it by those same persons. Besides the Rev. Frank Holland, pastor of the church, under whose auspices they meeting would have been held, is critically ill with typhoid fever, and under this circumstances fit for no other, it does seem as though the committee […] wisdom in their actions at […] the times.
The last layer of stone has been put upon that part of Front and Union Streets that have been under repair. The guard ropes have been taken down, and the streets are now open to travel. Where parts of these streets are now thoroughly macadamized, and as good as any in the state. […]. The work has cost a great deal, but it should last a long time, and […] will. From what we understand the condemnation of a part of the Mrs. Mary Fox corner property to widen Federal and Front Streets, bids fair to bring on […] Mrs. Fox, through her Dover attorney, has […] the Mayor to that effort.
On Monday the fire engine was […] sprinkler and worked on the [….] It makes a bully one.
Rev. C. H. Atkins preached at the M. P. Church on Sunday. Charlie is getting there, and his sermon in the morning was “Jonah Swallowing the Whale,” was very good.
[…] Eucharist was administered at the M. E. Church on Monday morning.
Last week on wash day the clothes prop came from under the clothes line, when Miss Eva Smith had just got her wash out, and the clothes came down to the ground in a huddle. Tableau.
After a closure of three weeks the Douglass White Shirt and Overall factory resumed work on Monday.
Marion Witherby and wife, of Laurel, are being entertained by Frank Outten and wife.
Miss Emma Simpler on Monday chaperoned a party of three couples to Broadkiln Beach. They will remain one week and occupy the C. H. Atkins cottage.
Work was resumed on S. J. Wilson & Son’s building on Monday, and the walls will be completed this week. Mr. Wilson expects to complete the building in four weeks more.
The army worm was destroying a small field of millet belonging to S. J. Wilson so badly that he was forced to cut it on Monday.
Laura J. Wright died at the home of Levi Mosley of cholera infantum[i] on Thursday, Aug. 1, aged 4 months. Burial took place on Thursday afternoon at Bethel by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Mabel D., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Vessey, died near Harbeson of cholera infantum, aged 7 months and 29 days. Funeral services at Beaver Dam on Wednesday afternoon by the Rev. Bryan and interment in nearby cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Mrs. Maggie McIlvaine, of Camden, N. J., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ingram.
Frankie Fields, who started for Panama last spring, is now visiting her mother.
Isaac Bailey is confined to his home by a complication of diseases, chief of which is heart troubles.
Rev. Frank Holland is holding up pretty well in typhoid, and hopes are entertained that by the last of the present week the disease may have taken a favorable turn.
[i] Cholera infantum, according to , is an obsolete term for severe gastroenteritis in infants caused by unknown pathogens