There has been bad weather galore during the week that is gone. Snow, rain, sleet and slush have been the characteristic. The lake and the river have been frozen over for several days. There has been some sleighing, but little skating just yet. Naturally most outdoor business was suspended for the time except such as this season brings about. Hog killing, for instance, has been on; and notwithstanding the heavy snow storm that prevailed, many were slaughtered at the time mentioned. Mostly small ones, however. We understand Fred Short, of near town, butchered one on Tuesday that weighed 520 pounds. We have not heard of any larger ones. The holly business is also in full swing, and although it was stated before the season opened that holly was scarce, there are many loads received daily by the buyers, which are made into wreaths for the decoration of city homes during the holidays. The merchants are also thus early, getting in their stock of holiday bric-a-brac, and the show windows of many of the stores present a beautiful and attract sight, and it is not unusual for the little ones on their way to and from school to stop and gaze at these windows with delight and longing for Christmas to come. All who want jewelry or trinkets, thinks useful or useless, for the holidays, and are able to buy them, can certainly obtain them in Milton.
On Wednesday morning a new flag was spread to the breeze from the pole in front of the public school building. And not before it was needed, for the former one was much “the worse for wear.”
Oliver Webb, a former broom maker, removed last week from this town to Lewes.
Mrs. Trauncey B. Reynolds has a new milk wagon. It’s a daisy; and she is using it every day.
Just before Christmas is has been the habit of some persons to call at a store and select some article which they think they want, and have it laid away for them, and then beer call for it, thereby depriving the merchant of the possible sail of the article., This will not be done this year in some of the stores. No article will be laid away unless paid for.
Revival services will begin at the M. P. Church on Sunday evening, January 1st, 1911.
“The Story of the Star,” a Christmas cantata, will be rendered in School Hall by the M. P. Sunday School on Monday evening, December 26. Adult admission 20 cents, children 15 cents.
Noble Ellingsworth has arrived home to spend the winter with his mother.
Captain and Mrs. G. B. Hunter have returned from a visit to Riverton, N. J.
William B. Wharton of Milton has secured a position with Lancaster & Sons, real estate business brokers and collectors, of Philadelphia.
The following officers of the M. E. Sunday School have been elected: Superintendent, Wm. Davidson; Assistant Superintendent, Miss Sallie Lofland; Secretary, Weldon Waples; Treasurer, C. H. Davidson; Librarian, Ephraim H. Darby; Organist, Miss Emma Davidson and Miss Sarah Atkins.
Capt. George E. Megee is shipping sawed timber to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
Schooner Daisey, a Chesapeake craft, arrived here last week with coal for Charles Virden. Subsequently Constable Norman of Lewes arrived here in search for an anchor, gun and other things which had been stolen from the shack of Jacob and Samuel Prettyman on Broadkiln Beach. The goods where found in the hold of the Schooner Daisey and Captain C. P. Simms was arrested and taken to Lewes on this charge. He was released on the payment of ten dollars—so it is said. After this the captain of the Daisey attempted to load scrap iron for Charles Shears, when C. H. Atkins had an injunction served prohibiting the loading of the iron until the dock rent for it had been paid. Mr. Shears being away, J. M. Lank, Trust Officer of the S. T. T. & S. D. Co., became responsible for the wharfage, and the iron was loaded for Philadelphia.
What remains of the steamer Marie Thomas, that was burned at Milton dock on the night of Dec. 2nd, or rather on the morning of December 3rd, is advertised to be sold by the U. S. Marshall on Wednesday, the 29th, It is understood the steamer had an insurance of $6,600. An agent of the company was here on Thursday to size up the situation, with what result we know not.
It is possible the remains of Curtis C. Reed, who was recently buried at Reynold’s Church Yard, may be exhumed and reinterred on a farm of his near Ellendale. When Mr. Reed was buried no will had been found, although it was believed such a document was in existence. Subsequent top his burial the will have been found, and amongst its provisions is a desire that a burial ground for the family be made on the farm mentioned. Already some of the family are there inhumed and he may be also. Mr. Reed leaves to his son Curtis the home farm, while the remainder of his estate is devised to his four daughters. The estate is estimated to be worth […], which will be sold. His son Curtis is administrator.
At an early day the Jr. O. U. A. M. will give a banquet to which all of the wives and sweethearts of the members will be invited.
The M. E. Sunday School will give an entertainment sometime during the holidays, the date of which has not yet been determined.
Since giving an account of “hogs” above we have been authentically informed that Charles Moore of Prime Hook last week killed two, one of which weighed 646 pounds and the other […] pounds.
A Mrs. Forrest, said to be a returned missionary from Japan and representing the W. F. M. S., was at the M. P. Church on Sunday morning in the interest of that organization.
At the men’s meeting held in the Jr. O. U. A. M.’s Gall, by representatives of both churches on Sunday afternoon, the subject discussed was “Why Men Do Not Attend Church?” We might think the answer to this question very easily answered “Because they don’t want to attend.”
For one week the little boys and girls have been having a gala time tobogganing down the east sidewalk of Federal Street. Since one week […] down this thoroughfare, from Mill Street to the post office has been a scene of merriment amongst the young folks. Boys and girls double and triple […] on sleds, have been capsized and run over, but without injury, and are still enjoying the fun. How there is zest, hilarity, invigoration, re-invigoration and rejuvenation in riding down a snow-clad-hill! We’ve been there!
Isaac Bailey has about recovered from his long illness, and is able to resume his trade. “Ike” says the report that got out some time ago that he was dead, is a gratifying mistake to him and if any one doubts it, if they will bring their old shoes around and have them repaired, they will find him a pretty lively corpse.
J. Leon Black, assistant trust office of the S. T. T. & S. D. Co., is on a business trip to Philadelphia this week.
On Saturday, early in the afternoon, Edgar M. Harmon, a Moor, while skating on Lake Fanganzyki, broke through the ice and was drowned. The tragedy occurred in sight of many witnesses and everything was done by them to saver the unfortunate boy. He was overcome by cold and sank before assistance could reach him., This ice was thin and after he had broken through those who saw him were afraid to venture too near and threw him a board, but the ice being so slippery he could not hold on to it., At last a rope was thrown him but by this time he had become so numbed by the cold he could not grasp it. And then a boat was launched on the ice, and manned and pushed to him, but he had sank and was apparently dead. He was brought to the shore and carried to the house of Charles Hudson. Dr. Douglass was summoned; all of this took time, and had there been any spark of life remaining when he was brought ashore, it was extinct when the doctor arrived. All efforts at resuscitation were vain. Later in the day he was taken to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harmon, near town. On Sunday Coroner Griffith held an inquest which resulted in a verdict of “accidental drowning.” The funeral was held at the A. M. E. Church in North Milton on Monday afternoon by the Rev. Blackston, and interment made in the A. M. E. Cemetery near town; aged 15 years, 1 month and 29 days. S. J. Wilson and son conducted the funeral.
Lydia A., relict of the late Captain Benton Johnson, died near town on Saturday the 3rd of pneumonia, aged 89 years and 8 months. Funeral services were conducted at Reynolds on the following Wednesday by the Rev. Frank Holland, assisted by the Rev. Bear Bryan, and interment made in the adjacent cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Mitchell died near Whitesboro on Friday, aged three weeks. Burial was made at White’s Chapel on Saturday afternoon by S. J. Wilson & Son.
The infant son of Dr. and Mrs. William H. Douglass died on Saturday morning a few hours after birth. Interment was made in the M. E. Cemetery on Sunday morning. Rev. Frank Holland read the burial services and S. J. Wilson inhumed the body.
George Heavalow, son of James Heavalow, colored, of near town, died at Jefferson Hospital from the effects of an operation on Monday. The remains were brought to Ellendale on Tuesday and met by J. R. Atkins, funeral director, and conveyed to Milton where a funeral service was held in the A. M. E. Church in North Milton by the Rev. Blackston and interment made in the Bethel Cemetery near town.
David P. Warrington died on Tuesday morning at the home of his sister Mrs. Elsey Wells at Harbeson, of typhoid, aged 24 years, 11 months and 2 days. Funeral services at Beaver Dam on Thursday by the Rev. Benjamin B. Bryan, and interment in the adjacent cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.