As far as we are able to discern the signs of the times, everything appears to be ready for that great event, Christmas; and all that is now necessary is to “let her drop.” It is generally conceded, cold weather makes the best Christmas. We have had that, although unless it continues, what we have had may be considered premature, and may not count. We don’t generally deal in futures and may be excused if we indulge in a little speculation and some “here say” (sic). Beside the many other attractions that we know of, we hear there are five marriages to come off sometime during the holidays. Whom the happy couples may be we will not say, as out information may not be correct, or some one of the hymeneal pairs may have a lover’s quarrel. The merchants think the present week will be rather dull, due to the continued cold weather for the past two weeks, which has kept the working class from earning much, and, as they are the ones who do the most buying: hence, the argument. But as this us the season of great expectations, some allowance may be made for a little admixture of pessimism. Really, after the event is past, we can tell more about it and the rest of what is going to be we will leave over until next week, and then we may be able to tell what has been.
It has been asked, “What’s in a name?” We must say, we consider there’s a great deal. Who had not rather be called an honest man than a thief? Who had not rather be called learned than ignorant? Who had not rather been noted for his veracity than be called a liar? And in the same manner beauty, as well as truth, attaches to a name. Many things for their merit and attraction depend upon a name. Does not a pretty body of water look better by call it’s a “lake” than by calling it a “pond?” But of course, our language is the result of our education, and many of us are not gifted with the use of the choicest.[i]
The remains of the steamer Marie Thomas, consisting of the burnt hull, machinery anchors and chains, windlass, and everything else that survived the fire, was sold by the U. S. Marshal at Wilmington, on Wednesday, and bought by Fred Cramer, of Philadelphia, for $190.00. The purchaser knows his business and what may appear to us a big price, may be cheap to him.
The building of the new corn grist mill, being built by Captain Thomas Chase at Reynolds, is enclosed; and had it not been for the unfavorable weather of the past two weeks, the work would have been nearly completed. Henry Atkins, carpenter and millwright, is doing the work.
Mrs. Elizabeth Chandler left last week for Scranton, Pa., where she will spend the winter with her son, W. H. Chandler and family.
Miss Jennie Blizzard has returned from a visit to Philadelphia.
We notice that R. C. White, Esq., of Georgetown, who was defeated for representative in Congress by Wm. H. Heald, has served notice of contest on the latter.
Nathan Williams, at Stephensonville, has forty nice shoats, and of many colors. Black, white, ring-streaked-and-striped, etc. These he will offer at public sale on Wednesday, December 28th.
The members and congregation at Weigand Chapel are to have a splendid Christmas service on the evening of December 24. Santa Claus is expecte3d to meet the old as well as the young on this auspicious occasion and liberally dispense a part of the accumulation of the year at that time. All come out.
There is considerable corn yet in the field near Milton. What does this augur?

R. G. Dun & Co.’s Weekly Trade Review[ii] argues that the harvest of the present year, which [is] computed to be worth nearly nine billions of dollars, is the best possible basis for industrial advancement next year. Let us hope it is.
There will be services held at the M. P. Church on Christmas morning at seven o’clock. All of the members of the church are expected to be present, and as many others as will come.
Always tame around town, the buzzards have during the cold and frozen weather become more so, and may be seen any day two or three together, sitting on the roofs or chimneys of houses as ornaments.
James H. Lofland, of near Waples Mill, will sell on Tuesday Dec. 27th his farming implements, household goods, and stock consisting in part of five head of horses, two cows, six brood sows, twenty head of shoats, and other things. If the day should be stormy, the sale will take place next day.
It is said, “Winter commences today.” (Wednesday). Wonder what kind of weather we have been having?
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dickerson died near New Market on Friday aged ten weeks. Funeral services were held at the home of his parents on Sunday by the Rev. Pardee, and burial made in the New Market Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Edna Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, died near New Market on Sunday, aged six weeks. Funeral at late residence on Wednesday morning, by the Rev. Pardee, and interment at Reynolds Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Co.
May V., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hazzard, died in Philadelphia on Sunday of pneumonia aged 11 months and 10 days. The remains were brought to Milton on Monday evening and conveyed to the home of her grandmother, Mr. Emma Hazzard, where funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon by the Revs. Lusk and Holland, and sepulture made at the M. E. Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Lydia Hester Fox, formerly of this town and relict of the late John W. Fox, died in Philadelphia on Monday of general debility, aged 77 years. The remains were brought to Milton on the Tuesday evening train, and conveyed to the home of S. J. Wilkson, where funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon by the Revs. Holland and Lusk, and interment made in the M. E. Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
A few weeks ago we published an item concerning a property in this town, said to be owned by Charlie Ross, the boy who was kidnapped from Germantown, Pa., thirty-six years ago and the item has been “going the rounds of the papers.”
Through the courtesy of the Sussex Journal we have a copy of that paper before us. The Journal states it published the article in good faith but in an interview with a reporter for the North American, Mrs. Ross, mother of Charlie Ross, who now resides in Philadelphia, seems to throw a different light upon the subject. We also wrote the article in good faith, and without any idea or intent at sensationalism. Two or three years ago, we became aware that the property referred to was known to the few who knew anything about it as the property of Charlie Ross. We interviewed J. C. Hazzard, known throughout this county as a former surveyor and conveyancer, in regard to it. Mr. Hazzard informed me the property was formerly that of Aaron M. Marshall, familiarly known as “Mitchell Marshall,” and was sold by him to Christian K. Ross & Co., of Philadelphia. And we presume there is where the [..] of Charlie Ross or his relatives comes in. As there was nothing […] to call for the publishing of this item at that time, we laid it in our past folio, A few weeks […] when the […] was being repaired, we made mention of the repairs and published the item. And I regard to it, we can only reiterate what has been said above. That the property, with other property, which had been disposed of was bought by Christopher J Ross & Co. from Aaron M. Marshall. What Mrs. Ross, mother of Charlie Ross, says of the case does not matter as much often do things in business […] know nothing about. That there is a property in Milton that belongs to the heirs of Christian K .Ross or the heirs of Christian K. Ross & Co.[iii] [remainder of paragraph and article illegible].
[i] This is a tantalizing paragraph, for it appears to be the only time in print that David A. Conner comes close to admitting why he made up the name “Lake Fanganzyki” for Wagamon’s Pond – and throwing in a reference to Shelley’s Ode to a Grecian Urn for good measure, in the sixth sentence.
[ii] R. G. Dun & Co. was the predecessor company of today’s Dun and Bradstreet.
[iii]The Charlie Ross kidnapping of 1874 was as infamous in the 19th and early 20th centuries as the Lindbergh baby kidnapping of 1932, perhaps even more so. It was the first kidnapping for ransom in American history that received significant media attention. The 4-year-old Charlie was never found, alive or dead, but his family kept searching for him. Numerous claimants to his identity appeared throughout the decades. Conner’s two mentions of the matter, in his December 9 and December 23 letters, simply noted the fact that property within a few feet of his home was sold to the Charlie’s now-deceased father years earlier, and that it had fallen into disrepair.