January 28, 1910

“Backward, turn backward, O, time in thy night
Make me a child again, just for tonight.”[i]

Who, having reached the meridian of life, of after having reached it are going down the declivity of the other side, but have often recalled the above couplet. Each decade of life has its pleasures, and its pastimes. The sucking babe sees pleasure in transient attractions, gee gaws and other things we know not of, for “Who can tell what a baby thinks?” These give place to the delights of childhood, which are in turn, superseded by the […] of more advanced youth. The days of schooling are happy and their reminiscence are eve dear to more mature age. These days are like all others, ever fleeting and pass on the “wings of the wind,” and usher us to the stern and realistic things of life. Having reached the battle ground—we who have been there know what it is—how often have we in weariness of body and soul cast ourselves upon our couch and exclaimed:

“Backward, turn backward, O, time in thy night
Make me a child again, just for tonight.”

On Tuesday evening January 19th, at the M. E. Parsonage, Miss Minnie A. Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Palmer of Milton, was united in wedlock with Arthur Macklin, son of Dr. and Mrs. Curtis Macklin of Milford. Rev. A. C. McGilton performed the ceremony.

In the town of Laurel on Wednesday January 18th, Miss Elizabeth Ellis McCready, daughter of the Rev. George A. and Mrs. McCready, was united in the bonds of matrimony with Dr. William E. Douglass of Milton, Dr. Douglass is a rising practitioner of Milton, and with his bride will reside on north Union Street.[ii]

From the above it will be seen, the marriage fever is not altogether abated in Milton.

White Chapel Sunday School has elected A. H. King superintendent, and C. W. Fisher assistant.

A local teachers’ institute will be held in School Hall on Saturday the 29th inst. An interesting program is being formulated, and Firemen’s Band will furnish the music.

Strife, or The Triumph of Homer, a comedy, is to be rendered by the young people of Milton on Washington’s Birthday, February 22nd, at School Hall.

The Misses Estella and Adeline Davidson are visiting in Philadelphia.

In the absence of the pastor, the Rev. J. D. Smith, the Rev. A. C. McGilton conducted services at the M. P. Church on Wednesday evening.

Extra meetings will commence at the M. P. Church on Sunday evening the 30th inst.

Revival services began at Weigand Chapel on last Sunday evening under charge of the Rev. Bryan of Harbeson.

Preaching service was held at the church of St. John Baptist on Sunday afternoon by the Rev. J. R. […] of Georgetown.

Dr. James A. Hopkins was a visitor at Dover and Frederica last week.

The ground has been excavated and cellar dug for the foundation of David Dutton’s new building, corner Mulberry and Lavinia Streets. The building will be 22 feet front on Mulberry Street and 33 feet front on Lavinia Street. The said building that formerly occupied this will be removed farther down Lavinia Street, and will be […] and used for a dwelling.

The whaling boat that J. P. Davidson has been converting into a steam launch for Pilot Thomas Virden of Lewes was successfully launched on Saturday and taken to Lewes.

Judging from the feathers and skeletons of domestic fowls, found near the suburbs of town, the wild fowls or birds of prey have, during the bad weather, rendezvoused in the thickets nearby and from thence have made nightly depredations on the chicken coops of townspeople.

On Wednesday an expert greased the locks to the vaults of the S. S. T. T. & D. Co.’s bank. We are informed it is necessary to do this once a year.

[…] Lank Esq., attorney at law of Philadelphia with many other city friends attended the funeral of Captain Miers J. Darby last week.

The road opposite Lavinia’s wood which was almost impassable by broken trees, effect of the late snow storm, has been cleared out.

Miss Lottie Welch spent a part of Saturday and Sunday in Milford.

Charles Morris, who went to the Philadelphia hospital last week has returned. The physicians of that institution did not think it advisable to perform an operation at the present time he will be under the care of Dr. Douglass, for a […], who will put his foot in a plaster cast. He may return to the hospital for treatment later.

Robert Morris of Laurel is the guest of his parents on Broad and Mulberry Streets.

A few concrete blocks have been made as a sample for the building of S. J. Wilson & Son; […] making of these and not begin until the weather becomes more settled and the […] a better temperature for drying purposes.

Isaac W. Nailor has the glass front finished in J. L. Black’s store house, and the inside work will be completed in a few days.

Carpenters began work again on William Mears’s building on Tuesday.

J. A. Sipple & Son of Milford, on Monday, put a fine granite slab over the late William H. […] in the M. E. Cemetery.

It is not “Star Gazers” now, but comet gazers, […]. Persons watched the later individual on Tuesday evening in his descent toward the western […]. It has been too cloudy since to do […].

In our communication of the 14th, in referring to the tenure of Conner’s Hall by William Warren, we stated the Hall was not rented for a drinking saloon, a gambling saloon nor a dance hall. By implication this language has been construed by some persons to mean that Mr. Warren is keeping a house of this kind, when the writer intended to convey no such impression. We stated he had a dance in the hall, but “there would be no more had there;” and if he had been keeping saloon or a gambling saloon we would have said as much had we known of it and not have “beat about the bush” with innuendo. And furthermore were he to attempt a business of that kind he would vacate the building instantly. We will say, however, that as far as we know and believe, Mr. Warren is not keeping a drinking saloon nor a gambling saloon but is doing a perfectly legitimate business. As everyone knows there is a class of people in all communities who are trying to smell carrion, and which can always find opportunity to gratify their avidity.

The latent lie purporting to have come from Milton appeared in the Philadelphia Record of Tuesday. In speaking of perch being caught in the Broadkiln, the writer stated: “they sold […] at 50 cents a half dozen. The fact is they sold at 15 cents a dozen.


[i] From the poem Rock Me to Sleep by Elizabeth Akers Allen (1832 – 1911), a New England poet. She wrote the poem while traveling in Europe as a correspondent for the Portland Transcript and Boston Evening Gazette from 1859 to 1860, dispatching it to the Saturday Evening Post from Rome. The poem was her most popular work, and was set to music, becoming a popular Civil War song.

[ii] The Rev. George McCready was the pastor of the M. P. Church beginning 1906, until he was reassigned elsewhere. Dr. William E. Douglass was the son of Thomas Douglass, one of the partners in the Douglass and White Shirt and Overall Factory.