1909 – Thou hast been an eventful year in our history, but thou art gone; and the memory of thy deeds will linger long in the minds of those who are now living. Of late we have referred so often to the events of the past year that it would be idle to again epitomize here, Another year had dawned upon us, ushered in by circumstances bright and pleasing; the […] we hope of continued prosperity and […] The first day of the New Year was an ideal one, a clear sky, a bracing atmosphere, the ground hidden by snow, all proclaimed a […] winter day; indeed, it was a reminder of those beautiful winter landscapes we often see in art. The departing week of the old year was real winter. The snow blocking [..] of all kinds. Another snow on Wednesday afternoon, and the wind of that night, filled up the already broken roads, and on Thursday morning travel was almost as bad as it was on Wednesday. The train from Lewes did not arrive here until 10 o’clock that morning and no rail connection was made with the D. M. & V. R. R. until that night. We are getting used to it […] and everything has become rehabilitated as far as can be. Telephone communication is resumed with the outside world, the electric lights are casting their sickly glare over the snow […], and what is a new thing, for the last two years, the ice harvesters are filling their houses. […] eight inches thick, it is of inferior quality, full of snow but the best there is. Our transient visitors have nearly all gone to their homes, after having a good time with their friends. And removing time is on. Bit so much of it however as was anticipated. Walter Crouch has removed from north Milton into the Lacey property o Federal Street. John Johnson has removed into the country and William Warren has now occupied that vacated by Mr. Johnson. James Palmer goes into his own—that vacated but Mr. Warren. Mrs. Emma Coffin removes into Coard Clendaniel’s property on East Avenue, and Mr. Clendaniel goes into the new building he has finished on the same avenue. Dorman Porter has removed from north Union Street unto the property vacated by Mrs. Coffin on Chestnut Street. Paul Pfeffer has removed from Chestnut Street into Joshua Carey’s property on north Mulberry Street and Fred Reed occupies that vacated by Mr. Pfeffer. James Clendaniel has removed his meat and grocery store, the historic stand, corner Federal and Mulberry Streets. W. W. Conwell will removed into Alfred Lofland’s property on North Union Street, and Dr. R. B. Hopkins will occupy that vacated by Mr. Conwell, on Federal Street, which he has bought, and others of which we have no note.
It has been said “Experience is the best teacher” but the school fees are heavy. We should think the people of Milton have had experience enough with electric lights as furnished from the plant at Georgetown. The lights furnished within private residences are fair to good; but those on the streets are buy indifferent makeshifts at any time and whenever a storm occurs they are out of order; and these accidents generally occur at the wrong time, as has been the case the past holidays. We don’t know anything about electrodynamics but we are sure there is not power enough in the Georgetown plant for Milton purposes; or if enough, it is not used. And the remedy is, have a plant nearer home. We are not blowing a horn for the benefit of anyone, but there is stored up energy right under our noses, enough for all the needs of Milton, for lighting, or any other purpose. All it needs is liberation. Why not buy the means and do it?
Several teams went from Milton on Tuesday evening the 28th to a wedding near town. Among the number was a white horse drawing a […] containing five persons—Prof. W. G. Fearing and wife, J. B. Welch and wife and William Wharton. Prof. Fearing having experienced “life on the ocean wave” aboard many a staunch craft was by common consent Mascot of this particular craft. Now, be it remembered the snow was heavily banked and the vehicle swayed with every detour from the broken road, like a ship in a storm. The mascot got queasy and bleached the ship. Mr. Welch jumped out on the port side, and went head foremost into a snow bank. The women yelled but Welch succeeded in getting the ship into the channel again. Meanwhile, as Welch was getting aboard, the mascot was consulting the barometer and writing up the log. When getting near the railroad the travelling became so bad, the Mascot concluded he’d walk. And he got out and tried that remedy; but he hot in again and after various tribulation, amongst which was the Mascot’s cold feet, the party arrived at the scene of the marriage. Needless to say this particular party enjoyed themselves immensely; thanks to the witticisms and jeu de mots of the Mascot of the white horse vehicle. A part of this devoted band retuned home by other conveyances.
After the “big fire,” when business places were scarce, the engine house of the Milton Fire Department was rented temporarily to James Clendaniel for a meat and grocery store. Mr. Clendaniel was lately notified to vacate the building as it was thought advisable to return the engine to its rightful home (it has been sojourning in an out building since the fire). Joseph Walls wanted to rent the plac3e for a meat and grocery store; and through his efforts—as we are I informed by an informal meeting of five of Town Council, held at the sore of Black & Lingo on the evening of Wednesday the 29th ult, at which time Walls was given permission to use the engine house. The Mayor was not invited to attend this meeting. The Mayor, considering the action of the Board illegal, and its meeting also illegal, both as to time and place, refused his assent and on Thursday morning when Mr. Walls attempted to move his goods in to the building, met him at the door and forbade his entrance. Mr. Walls did not enter, and subsequently moved into a part of William Warren’s store house. As to the action of Council in this matter we leave it its constituents to decide, and also the action of the Mayor. The query however, naturally arrives, why notify one party to vacate the building and then rent it to another for the same purpose? In a former communication we had […] to refer to the personnel of Milton Town Council. Personally, they are all good men in their individual spheres of life; but the community certainly must think that while they are by no means undedicated, neither are they parliamentarians. Let us hope that their errors—if errors there be—are those of judgement rather than otherwise.
Rev. C. A. Behringer of Swedesboro, N. J. and family are the guests of J. S. King and family.
Charles H. Atkins, Jr., [reached at the M. P. Church on Sunday both morning and evening, the pastor, the Rev. Smith and family, being at Chincoteague, Va.
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning. The church yet remains beautifully trimmed, relict of the holidays.
We are informed constable King has put lightning rods on his stable. The rods are all right in […] but why put them on in […] stores.
The Public Schools reopened on Monday.
Henry Warren is confined to his home by lameness on his left leg.
Sloop […] was beached on the bank of the Broadkiln on Monday and […].
There are but few really indigent people in Milton, but those who are were attended to last week by the […] Committee as far as they could be known.
[…next paragraph partially obscured…] last week and have their ice houses nearly filled.
A lady said to me last week, “This is regular hominy weather,” and we think it is.
During and since the snow, buzzards have become so hungry that they will enter the back yards of the town’s people and almost come in to the porches after something to eat.
The Douglass White Shirt & Overall factory resumed business on Monday.
Mrs. Jane Sharp is confined to her home on Federal Street by illness.
Mrs. Elizabeth Dean, 87 years old, is confined to her home by the infirmities of age.
Mrs. Elizabeth Betts, on north Union Street, 84 years of age, is a victim of pneumonia.
Mrs. Mahalla Burris, on Chestnut Street, 83 years old, is still prostrated with paralysis.
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Carey, on Mulberry Street, the former 85 years, and the latter 76 years old, are much improved though yet within doors.
Little George A. Goodwin, 7 months old, has the chicken pox, at his home on Chestnut Street.
The Milton Fire Engine is now in its proper place—the Engine House—and there we hope it many never have occasion to be brought again for use.