July 15, 1910

A letter has been received from the Rev. E. T. Liddell, the evangelist, whom it will be remembered, conducted “a week of prayer” at the M. P. Church last October. Mr. Liddell, through the gentleman to whom this letter was sent, offers his services to Lavinia Camp meeting for forty dollars and expenses. This may be considered very modest when it is remembered the evangelist has a wife and a child to expense. Mr. Liddell implies in his letter that if employed he will make “Rome howl”[i] and collect all the money desired for any purpose. Mr. Liddell did not do much when here before and as far as we are able to learn, his services are not wanted any more. At least not at this time.

J. P. Davidson has built a porch in front of his residence on Chestnut Street. The building is also being repainted by Outten & Palmer.

J. L. Black has caught the “fad” of enclosing front porches with wire to keep out insects, and has had so done at his home residence.

A Saturday evening express from Love Point to Rehoboth was put on last week. It passes Milton without stopping at 3.14.

J. P. Davidson is doing some repairs to the schooner Annie Russell.

Captain Joseph Warrington loaded the schooner Ella Call with clay at Black’s Landing for Bridesburg, Pa. last week.

Misses Ida and Sarah Ponder left Milton last Thursday, to visit in New York.

On Thursday evening of last week, Deputy State Councilor F. B. Carey installed the following officers of Enterprise Council, Jr. O. U. A. M.: J. B. Scull, Jr., past councilor; W. H. Welch, councilor; Clarence Johnson, vice councilor; W. H. Stephens, recording secretary; James C. Palmer, asst. recording secretary; James C. Palmer, asst. recording secretary; D. B. Porter, chaplain; F. A. Holland, conductor; L. L. Mustard, warden; B. N. Palmer, inside sentinel; Millard Johnson, outside sentinel; K. W. Warren, trustee.

Fourteen Foot Bank Lighthouse, ca. 1915

Thomas Moore of Broadkiln Neck, a former employee at the Breakwater light, has been transferred to the Fourteen Foot Bank Lighthouse[ii].

The Junior Christian Endeavor Society will hold a lawn fête in front of the M. P. Church on Satruday evening the 16 inst.

Miss Edith Wilson, after a short visit, returned to Philadelphia on Saturday.

Last week Mrs. Lydia Johnson, mother of Theodore Johnson, fell at the home of her son and was considerably bruised about the face. Mrs. Johnson is 90 years of age.

On Wednesday Sipple & Son, of Milford, placed a handsome granite monument over the remains of the late Captain Miers J. Darby, in the M. E. Cemetery.

Mrs. Martha Mustard is quite ill at her home on Chestnut Street.

Misses Emma Smith, Edna Gray, and Elsie King, who are attending the summer school at Dover, spent Sunday in Milton with their parents.

Rev. Lusk, on Sunday evening, July 3rd, left his umbrella in the corridor of the M. E. Church, during the services of the evening, and when he went for it, it was gone. Supposedly someone took it by mistake. As this umbrella is a present to Mr. Lank, he prizes it very highly and would like to have it returned.

G. B. Atkins is repainting the residence of William Richards, corner Mulberry and Lavinia Streets.

Bateman has returned to Milton to see his girl.

“Sammy” Dickerson was in town on Saturday with them oxen of hisen.

Greensbury Vent and daughter of Philadelphia are the guests of Adolphus Johnson and family.

Owing to a severe thunderstorm that came on in time to prevent, there was no service at either of the Methodist Churches on Sunday evening.

S. J. Wilson & Son’s new building has the walls of the second story completed and the third set of floor joists in place. Only one more story now to complete. This building is situated on the northeast corner of Front and Federal Streets. The first story is 11 foot pitch, the second story 9 foot pitch, and the third story 8 foot pitch. The rest will be pyramidal in form, with a pitch of ten feet from the base to the apex. There is also a cellar 28 foot by 38 foot and there will be a hand elevator for freight 7 foot by 14 foot, running from the cellar to the third floor.

There is no electric bulb near the south end of Federal Street that has not been lighted for many evenings. It is up to the Georgetown plant to explain.

Oliver Hazzard, engineer, has been home for a few days with his family.

David Wiltbank is making repairs to one of his buildings on Hazzard Avenue.

Rev. Lusk went fishing on Lake Fanganzyki on Monday afternoon. He was about on Tuesday morning.

Mrs. Hanna Carey has had a new foundation put under her front porch on Federal Street.

The grass that was on the whole sidewalk in front of the Odd Fellows Cemetery on North Union Street has been nicely cleaned off.

Rev. C. A. Behringer’s launch, Avarilla[iii], is hauled out on the dock, and the engine is being put in.

Miss Mary Fisher, of Philadelphia, is visiting her many Milton friends.

Joseph Walls will remove his meat market from its present stand—south Union Street—into the C. H. Atkins old store house, corner Front and Federal Streets.

A Bohemian from the country came to a barbers on Monday with a broken carriage wheel. Unable to get this repaired, he got shaved, which he badly needed.

Louisa, wife of John Smith, died at her home near Rust Mill, on Monday, aged 39 years, 10 months and 21 days. Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon, at Cokesbury M. E. Church, by the Rev. Thomas of Georgetown, and interment made in the nearby cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.

For two hours on Tuesday morning, a thunder cloud was forcing its way from the west, against an east wind, toward the zenith. About 112 o’clock it reached Milton, and for two hours the rain poured down. The wind was moderate and the electric display terrific. During the battle of the elements two houses in north Milton, on Mulberry Street and within twenty-five yards of each other were almost simultaneously struck by the electric fluid. Captain David Dutton’s new building was struck on the roof near the chimney. A rafter was torn out in the attic and the rood considerably damaged. The bolt then went to the second story tearing off the plaster in the hallway and also in Mrs. Dutton’s bedroom. Thence it went to the lower room performing the same freak of tearing off the plaster and escaped down one of the back door posts, within six inches of where Mrs. Dutton was standing, tearing a board from the porch floor and disappearing under the porch. Mrs. Dutton was stunned somewhat, and left with a headache bit otherwise uninjured.

The house occupied by Stephen McPherson, a jeweler—the former home of Perter B. Jackson—was struck also at the top. The chimney was cracked, he end box torn completely off, and much of the weather boards of the gable shared a like fate. The current entered the building doing much damage. A little son on Mr. McPherson was knocked from a chair, but was unhurt. A dog that was in the room was instantly killed. When the storm had subsided and these incident became known, the scenes of the disasters were visited by many people out of curiosity and sympathy, and also with a feeling of thankfulness that no lives were lost. Captain Dutton’s building is a brand new one, and his wife has only been removed into it a few months.


[i] 19th century expression meaning “to stir things up;” origin uncertain

[ii] Fourteen Foot Bank Light is a lighthouse in the Delaware Bay near Bowers Beach, Delaware. Built in 1885-1886 at the south end of Joe Flogger Shoal, it was the first lighthouse to be built using a pneumatic caisson. Source: Wikipedia

[iii] Avarilla was the name of Rev. Behringer’s wife, formerly Avarilla King.