The past week has been one of business activity in the various branches of town industry. On many streets the unsightly grasses have been cut away and untilled lots have been mowed, making less the chances of a further supply of mosquitoes. The new gutter on the north side of Front and Union Streets has been put in, and Supervisor Mustard has made a good job of it. Now there is necessitated more work on these streets to raise them on a lead with the gutter. The Georgetown electric light men have restored the poles on Federal Street that the recent contracting of the street in that quarter threw into the sidewalk and put them near the curbing. They have also trimmed the large maple trees on Federal Street, the branches of which were a menace to the wires in windy weather, and also the mulberry trees on the lateral streets. James Palmer has put racks along his property, down Front Street, form Federal to Chestnut Streets, for hitching purposes. Anyone can see without asking that these racks were put up for use and not for ornament. Four carloads of crushed stone have been ordered for the streets of town, and the work of ploughing there, preparatory to putting the stone thereon, will begin probably the latter part of the present week. The metal roots have also been put upon the porches in front of the Palmer block.
Mrs. Angelina Pennewill has returned from a visit of several months to her daughter[i] at Chester, Pa. She was accompanied home by her sister, Miss Mary Lamb, of Wilmington, Del.
Mrs. H. S. Bennington and her two sons from Ridgely, Md. are visiting friends in town.
George fowler and wife, nee Miss Lizzie King of Philadelphia, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. King, on Chestnut Street.
Screen doors have been put in front of the M. E. Church, and a water cooler has been introduced into the lower corridor for the benefit of the Sunday School children and other who may be thirsty.
Although the weather was not of the best, it having rained most of the afternoon of Saturday, yet the party—or social—advertised to be held on the lawn adjoining the M. P. Church, on that evening, came off according to expectations and quite a nice time was had.
A case of suspended animation occurred in town on Thursday afternoon. The victim being the young child of John P. Wilson, residing on Mill Street. A phone dispatch was received at the Wilson office on Front Street, from the family, calling for a doctor and stating the child was dead, or dying. Capt. Vinyard, of Milford, with his 40 horse Buick motor car, was in front of the office and pressed into service after Dr. Wilson. It sped to Wilson’s office on North Union Street, got the doctor, returned down Union Street, made the turn into Chestnut Street, and up that street, making the turn into Mill Street. Dr. Wilson said, “It was all done in thirty seconds.” Some people who were watching say that when the car was started from Dr. Wilson’s it made a jump and didn’t touch the ground but twice until it arrived at John Wilson’s. Glen Curtis’ aeroplane is nowhere compared to this machine. The child still lives.
Mrs. Isaac J. Moore, who was killed by lightning near Denton, Md., during the storm of Tuesday the 13th, was a cousin to Mrs. J. B. Welch, of this town, and was raised near Milton.
Miss Julia White of Philadelphia is the guest of Mrs. Kate White on North Union Street.
The M. P. Sunday School will make an excursion to Rehoboth via M. D. & V. R. R. on Tuesday the 26 inst.
Miss Clara Mears is an attendant at W. F. Starkey’s drug store.[ii]
The Board of Registration for Representative District 10, Election District 1, will sit for the Registration of voters on August 6th, 20th, Sept. 17th, and Oct. 22nd at Milton, and on August 13th at Harbeson.
A social party of sixteen, consisting of young people, middle added people, and some of them married people, and those who were not married people, want to be, went to Broadkiln Beach on Sunday in the launch Avarilla, belonging to the Rev. C. A. Behringer of Swedesboro, N. J. This was the boat’s trial trip and had the Rev. Behringer been here this trip might not have been made on Sunday. However there were a good number of church members on board, which may have made an excuse for the others going. It was a pleasant day; they had a good time, returning early in the evening.
The launch Emma Chandler, belonging to “Billy” Robinson and heretofore c0onsidered the fastest boat on the Broadkiln, has been beaten by the launch Avarilla. “Billy” says it wasn’t done fairly, and he’s going to coax the Emma up a little and invite the Avarilla to try it again.
Juniper Chase, having the farm of W. H. Chandler in tenure, will need help soon, and a great deal of it, to gather and prepare for shipment his tremendous crop of peaches and pears. Both orchards are full of fruit and the shipment will be large.
Alfred Palmer, of Philadelphia, is visiting his nephew James Palmer and family on Broad Street.
A coal house has been built at the switch at Lavinia crossing and the coal recently burnt will be handled there and shipped by rail to Philadelphia.
The shirt and overall factory closed on Monday for a short time.
Mason & Davidson commenced to mover their store goods into their new store room in the Palmer block on Tuesday. Thomas Lindle of Georgetown—recently of Milton—will return and occupy the store house vacated by Mason & Davidson on North Union Street. Mr. Lindle with his family will reside part of Mrs. Angelina Pennewill’s home on Broad Street.
On Friday the 8 inst. W. W. Conwell retired from the management of the Milton Depository of the Lewes National Bank. The business has since that time been in the hands of W. F. Starkey at his drug store. Near the Depository’s old stand, and will continue there indefinitely. We should have mentioned this fact last week, but were led to believe the retirement of Mr. Conwell was only temporary and the business pf the Depository would return to its status quo, rendering our item unnecessary. Sind then we have been 9nformed Mr. Conwell’s retirement is permanent.
David Jefferson has purchased of W. W. Conwell the “Barratt Farm” to the east of Milton for $3000.
Elmer Dickerson has bought the “Peter R. Jackson” tract of land to the southwest of Milton, of W. W. Conwell, for $1200.
William Johnson of Philadelphia is the guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson on Mulberry Street.
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were days of pleasantness succeeding the heat wave, but the water lilies looked white and out of order, bubbling around with an eastward wind.
On Saturday Constable King went to Lewes and arrested a woman giving the name of Leonora Stadler on a charge preferred by Dr. R. B. Hopkins, of violating the state laws relating to the practice of medicine. The woman was arraigned before Squire Collins on Monday morning. The woman says she is not practicing medicine, but is acting as agent in selling medicines for a Wilmington firm. She waived a hearing and gave bail for five days pending which time she will communicate with her employers and expects one of them to come here and […].
[…three paragraphs obscured…]
[i] Rilla Pennewill Finkbine
[ii] Clara Mears was the daughter of William Mears, Starkey’s landlord.