We noted last week that a woman giving the name of Leonora Stadler had been arrested and held under bail for five days etc., etc. During the intervene the woman appeared and waived a further examination, giving for bail Daniel J. Layton, an obscure attorney of Georgetown, for her appearance at the October term of court. Why this thing should be […] in a bushel only Squire Collins and the girl can know. It appears from what the writer can elucidate that the “girl”—woman—lady is now […] –was in conference with Squire Collins nearly all of Wednesday afternoon. An attendant said “go up.” Well I went up. Needless to say the door was locked. I wasn’t anxious. No reflection on Squire Collins. The fact is something like this and judging from the intent you cannot blame a doctor from squealing. Here is the fact. The physicians of Milton and presumably in all other small towns are public property, or so considered, and whenever anyone I sick they are sent for and are supposed to go and do their duty and wait for their money and never get it, but when anyone—quacking around—comes around, she, he or it must have their pay in advance. The woman in question looks nice. Certainly no one but whom is suffered to carry her point, would be put upon the line. We like the lady but advise invalids to stick to whom you can rely on.
One car load of stone had arrived for the streets but the streets are not ready for it and it is being hauled and dumped on the public wharf, necessitating loading and a further hauling. Couldn’t be helped.
Bids are asked for janitor of the public school building until August 2nd.
John C. Hazzard, after spending the winter with his daughter, Mrs. P. W. Tomlinson in Wilmington, returned to Milton last week.
Captain George A. Goodwin, wife, and child, returned on Thursday from a trip of three weeks in the eastern states.
Stephen Palmer is making repairs to the Waples property on Broad Street, in tenure of Fred Jensen.
Norman Banning, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Banning, died near Oakley on Wednesday, aged 9 months and 29 days. Funeral at Oakley Church on Friday afternoon by the Rev. E. F. Fooks and interment made in the cemetery nearby. S. J. Wilson & Son, undertakers.
Rev. Frank Holland has been confined to his home by illness during a part of last week. Rev. Charles H. Athens, Jr., filled the M. P. pulpit on Sunday morning and preached at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening.
Nearly, or quite all of the cottages on Broadkiln Beach are advertised for rent and Mrs. Emma Johnson’s amongst the number. Is Broadkiln waning as a health resort, or are the attractions less than a few years back?
Julia R. Cottrell of Milton, aged 11 years, died suddenly on Saturday while visiting relatives in Wilmington, having been attacked with acute meningitis. The body was brought here on Tuesday for interment.
On Monday morning Elmer Dickerson posted notices forbidding anyone cutting anything off the place at Lavinia and exception is made of Daniel Townsend, of Georgetown, who has the privilege of the pine timber for coaling purposes. Why Mr. Conwell should attempt to sell other woodland we do not know. Our informant is the man most interested.
The Palmer pavement is about done.
Mrs. David Nailor, mother of Contractor Nailor, is quite ill. Two of her daughters are in attendance.
Thomas Lindle has occupied the store house vacated by Mason & Davidson on North Union Street. Mr. Lindle comes to Milton to retrieve a fortune formerly left in this town. See, did birds come home to roost.
We understand Town Council has cemented that portion of Mrs. Fox’s lot, corner Federal and Union Streets, to make a more—as Council considers—direct or otherwise convenient street for that portion of the town and awarded Mrs. Fox $75 damages. Judging from our standpoint we must have a very obscure set of Councilmen considered from a standpoint of business. The enlargement of streets are considered as advantages to those with property. James Ponder so considered it when he so magnanimously gave 7 feet of his sidewalk to Union Street, but why call it magnanimously? Mr. Ponder is benefited thereby. How is it with Mrs. Fox, according to the way land is selling in that locality $3,000.00 and when you cut that street across Mrs. Fox’s property it leaves the remainder and a very small lot in the form of an obtuse angle, or a parabola where the largest slice is not over 60 feet. The street does not need this unless to form a boulevard, and to do this Council must take the same quantity off the Palmer Block opposite.
The M. E. Sunday school will give an excursion to Rehoboth on August 5th. Everybody is invited to go and have a good time.
W. W. Conwell is putting up porches in front of his property on Mulberry Street.
The supervisor commenced on Tuesday morning to plough Front Street.
Rev. A. C. McGilton bounced down on Milton unexpectedly on Tuesday morning. Most of us were glad to see him.
Miss Lillian Cade is expected home soon. She left Glasgow on the 2nd of the present month.
Hope Carey is a visitor of postmaster Black. It is understood he will preach in the M. E. Church next Sunday.
Capt. S. A. Goodwin made a business trip to Baltimore on Tuesday.
Otis Goodwin left on Sunday for Quebec, Maine.
Harry F. Smith died at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lawson, in Bridgeville, Monday, July 25th, 1910, of cholera infantum, aged 4 months and 12 days. Funeral at McColley’s Chapel at 2 o’clock on Wednesday, July 27th. His father, John F. Smith, died the 18th of last August and interment in White’s Chapel Cemetery, and his mother died the 4th of last April. Samuel J. Wilson & Son, funeral directors.