If it isn’t a dull time in Milton now we don’t know what to call it. There is some work going on, down on the corner, but this appears to attract but little attention save only to those who are directly interested and part of it the town’s people have become so habituated so that it has ceased to attract attention at all. For the most part of every day the streets are deserted and the idlers, if any, are ensconced somewhere else. The strawberry cry no longer attracts, but the fish horn is yet in evidence; this and a few other enlivenments relieve the monotony in part, as the “days glide swiftly by.[i]” The farmers are busy and cannot come to town during the day, but if the movement that is on foot to close the stores early in the evening materializes, they will be compelled to do their dealing in the daytime, and perhaps this move may be for the better, and with all its other advantages will give us more population during the days; the time we most need it. At a meeting held last week in firemen Hall it was agreed by most of the merchants to close their stores at 7 o’clock sharp, on the evenings of all week days except Wednesday and Saturday. Cards announcing this are now displayed in the front windows of all stores where proprietors have agreed to the movement. He closing will begin on Monday evening, the 18 inst.
It is reported, the official board of the Lewes M. E. Church desired to raise its pastor’s salary $100, and he refused to accept it. That minister is smart. He may never have been a member of a Collection Agency, but he, evidently, has studied other than theology.
The cold weather of the past week has been remarkable for the season. Last June was quite cool, but not so cool as last week. Fires were an indispensable luxury of an evening, and during many of the days to persons within doors and of sedentary habits. Some people say “It snowed” last week on two or three occasions, but we saw none.
The tow supervisor having put in curbing for the town from the curbing of the new stores to the bridge is now extending it through Union Street and along Front Street to its confluence with Federal Street. It will be noticed that on each of these streets the curbing is set back; on Union Street seven feet, and on Front street three feet, thereby widening these streets that much. The curbing is of concrete, and will probably be there when many of us are gone to the “happy hunting grounds.”
On Wednesday night of last week some persons, out of a job, expectorated tobacco spittle over the floor of postmaster Black’s front porch. On Thursday morning it was a nauseating sight, and necessitated a through scrubbing of the porch floor. Such an act as this is unpardonable—as it was undoubtedly done on purpose—and the miscreants should be found out and severely punished.
Dr. Leonard has returned from a visit of several weeks amongst friends in Pennsylvania.
Mrs. May Blizzard of Wilmington is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Welch.
James H. Prettyman’s beautiful cabbage patch in town is now producing excellent cabbage. A great improvement on the stale wilted things the people of Milton have been compelled to buy heretofore.
William Richards has changed the front appearance of his home corner Mulberry and Lavinia Streets, so far as the entrance to his front porch is concerned. Fred Pepper has reared a cement wall around this front porch, both on Mulberry and Lavinia streets, and changed the entrance from Mulberry Street to Lavinia. The steps to the porches are also of concrete, and oval in form and present a decidedly pretty appearance.
Rev. Lusk, pastor of the M. E. Church, is always in his pulpit on time, and ready to commence services when the bell ceases to ring the second time. On last Sunday he preached and illustrated sermon, from the text: “I am the Vine, ye are the branches.[ii]” With the small branch of a tree he showed how a foreign branch may be grafted into the “true vine” is drawn from the ground and permeates the whole; absorbing within the parent stem the foreign branch. On this morning the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered, and one person admitted into full membership within the church.
W. T. Starkey has received a supply of drugs and is arranging them in his new store, and getting ready for business.
S. J. Wilson & Son have finished the foundation for their new building, and are ready to put in the first set of floor joists, as soon as the lumber arrives.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) at noon, at the home of the bride’s parents, on Chestnut Street, will be solemnized the marriage of Miss Anna Eliza King, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph King, and George S. Fowler of Philadelphia. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev. C. A. Behringer, a Protestant Episcopal minister of Swedesboro, N. J. and brother-in-law to the bride. After the ceremony the wedded pair will be taken to Harbeson where they will take the train for Atlantic City. They will make their future home in Philadelphia.
Children’s Day was observed at Zion M. E. Church on Sunday, and will be celebrated at the M. E. Church in this town on Sunday next.
Rev. Perry was billed to preach on the corner of Chestnut and Front Streets, on Sunday afternoon, but owing to the heavy rain, was unable to do so. He will be there on next Sunday afternoon if the weather is favorable.
The coal kilns that were fired some weeks ago have burnt out, and the coal is now being drawn, and other kilns are being made.
As has been previously announced, our Public Schools close today (Tuesday) and the commencement exercises will be held on Thursday evening.
A heavy rain fell on Sunday and Sunday evening, since which time the weather has been warmer and the crop of mosquitoes exceedingly promising.
The ennui of the town was aroused somewhat when on Monday afternoon the pea huller began work. Peas began to come in on Thursday afternoon, and the Packing Company interned to begin work on Friday afternoon, but the cans did not arrive until noon on Monday. There was quite a rush on that day and the work was continued until 1 o’clock the next morning; and the rush is still on.
On Friday of last week as the Rev. Isaiah Lank was walking along one of the streets of North Milton, he was attacked by a vicious female dog. She seized him near the ankle, tearing his pantaloons, and had it not been the shoe, would have lacerated the ankle most likely, as it was only the indentation of the teeth were visible. Mr. Lank made complaint to the Mayor, and it remains to be seen what will be done with this dog as this is not the first time she has attacked a man on the street.
Dr. James A. Hopkins continues to convalesce from his recent illness and was able on Tuesday to take a short drive into the country for recuperation.
William Mason who unfortunately broke his ankle recently, is able to ride around some; which must be a great relief from the enforced confinement within doors.
Prof. W. G. Fearing is painting and papering the interior of Rufus Reed’s home on Chandler Street.
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Lewes of Philadelphia are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Carter of near town.
The first Quarterly Conference of this Conference year was held in the M. P. Church on Monday evening, at which time a camp meeting committee consisting of the trustees of the church was elected to take charge of the coming camp meeting, which will be held in Lavinia’s Woods, commencing on August 5th. The members of the committee are as follows: B. J. Johnson, John Coulter, John Barker, W. G. Fearing, Joseph Warrington, G. A. Wilson, Joseph Morris, Dorman Porter, G. W. Atkins. W. G. Fearing was re-licensed an exhorter.
W. Thomas Lollis died on Friday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Garrison Reed, of general debility, aged 78 years, 3 months and 6 days. Funeral services were held at his late residence on Monday morning by the rev. Asbury Burke, and sepulture made in Barratt’s Chapel Cemetery, Kent County, by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Mary H., wife of Harry Johnson, died at her home near town on Monday morning of tuberculosis, aged 28 years, 5 months and 10 days. Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon by the Rev. G. R. McCready of Laurel, assisted by the Rev. Frank Holland of Milton, and interment made in Odd Fellows Cemetery, this town, by S. J. Wilson & Son.
On Monday Mrs. Henry Warren accidentally fell from the doorway of an out building and severely sprained her right ankle. Drs. Hopkins and Douglass[iii] rendered the necessary medical assistance, and relived the misery as well as science could do it.
[i] Excerpt from My Days are gliding Swiftly By, a hymn written in 1835 by an American medical doctor, David Nelson (1793 – 1844)
[ii] Holy Bible (King James Version), New Testament, John 15:5
[iii] Drs. Robert B. Hopkins and William E Douglas