On Friday afternoon the funeral of John J. Morris, who died suddenly on the previous Tuesday evening, was held at his late residence corner Mulberry and Broad Streets. Rev. Isaiah Lank and the Rev. Frank Holland officiated. A large concourse of citizens assembled at his late home to pay their respects to the memory of the deceased, and a large cortege of friends from Milton and suburbs followed the remains to their last resting place—the M. E. Cemetery. Deceased leaves to survive him a widow, three sons, and one daughter: John Morris, a merchant of Dover, William Morris, a merchant of Milford, Robert Morris of Milton, and Mrs. James Mason of this town.
The report of the committee appointed by the school board to audit the books of the Public Schools shows that during the past school year, the total receipts were $3,376.40 and the total disbursements $2,972.20, leaving a balance in the treasurer of $425.20. Included in the disbursements is the redemption of two bonds of one hundred dollars each and the payment of interest on outstanding bonds, amounting to two hundred dollars now.
Persons who have business on the public road leading from Milton to Milford are complaining of that portion of it near what is known as “Ponder’s old mill,” although there is now no mill there. It is a very sandy piece of road and has been ever since the writer has known it and that has not been a short time. The portion of the road nearest Milton is the sandy part, while just over the bridge is the muddy part. We are asked to inquire if some concerted action on the part of those who do business on this road cannot be had looking to its betterment.
The heavy rains we have had for O! so long a time! Have developed some bad places in Milton streets. On Chestnut Street, between Wharton Street and Manship Avenue, a small morass has been in evidence for several days. There are several chug holds in some of our best streets. Our streets though, taken as a whole, are favorable.
It has become a common thing for the people who come into town on a Saturday afternoon to congregate on the sidewalks in front of the new stores in a mass and in such a manner as to cause those having business around the town to walk around this crowd. We are sure the bailiff is not aware of this, or he would not allow it.
We are glad to note that Dr. James A. Hopkins is able to be out again.
Last week James Waples, colored, a hauler of timber, had the middle finger on his left hand caught in the link of a heavy chain, and the end torn completely off.
The grass that has been so uprightly in the gutter in front of the M. E. church has been pulled out.
Peach orchards are not many in this locality yet some of the trees are so heavy laden with fruit that branches are breaking off and others in small fields are being propped up to prevent a like fate.
James Palmer has men at work braking up “brick bats: into smaller pieces to be used in the mixture of cement and sand for concrete work.
We have been informed the latest recipe out for killing English sparrows is as follows: Soak bread crumbs—or lay pieces of bread—in whiskey and throw them out to the birds. They will eat them and get drunk, and one can catch them and cut off their tails.
Isaac w. Nailor has commenced the laying of the cement blocks for S. J. Wilson & Son’s business block. “Burt” Johnson is doing the cement work, and making a good job of it. The first set of floor joints are in and most of the lower winds and door frames are set. If good weather prevails the work will go along rapidly, as there is a man behind it who will make it go.
The shirt and overall factory closed on Friday for a week, in order to clean up the machinery.
There appears to be an epidemic amongst the pigeons in town. Leroy H. Johnson had a cote of eleven out of which none have died, and other are dropping.
Canning of the early pea crop is about over. It is said the late crop will not be so large as was the early one.
Anton Neibert, a Bohemian, who owns a farm a short distance down the river, is taking the pea vines that have been run through the huller downs to his farm in a sow and will make a fertilizer of them. Two years ago many people tries these refuse vines for food for horses and cattle but have abandoned them for food.
[…] Blocksom has repaired the back porch at Mr. Ellingsworth’s residence on Federal Street.
Rev. C. A. Behringer who, with his wife and child, came from Swedesboro, N. J. to Milton two weeks ago in an automobile, returned on Friday to his home. Miss Emma King accompanied them. He goes to Wilmington, crosses the Delaware to Pennsgrove, N. J., and thence to Swedesboro. Mr. Behringer has left his new steam launch here, as he expects to return again in August and have much fun on the Broadkiln.
It is said the apple crop will be short in this locality. We notice many trees with but few on them. Curtis C. Reed, who raised 1000 baskets last year, says he will have but few this, although the trees at first gave promise by having many blossoms.
On Saturday afternoon nineteen building lots 60 ft. by 120 ft. each being the property of the heirs of the late John A. Hazzard were sold on the baseball ground by Thomas B. Wilson for the heirs. This property is in north Milton and lying along Delaware Avenue and Bay Avenue. With the exception of one lot, W, W, Conwell and Alfred Lofland, but the average lots individually, and the average price paid was $110.00 per lot.
Children’s Day service was held at Zion M. E. Church on Sunday afternoon, and at the M. P. Church on Sunday evening. A very pretty program was rendered at each.
Again the Milton vandal was around on Saturday night an in front of Black & Lingo’s store the expectoration of tobacco spittle was an indecent looking one. O, we have them in Milton just one degree above the barbarian.
If the “artillery of the skies” was holding a reception and rejoicing on Saturday evening over the arrival in New York, on that day, of “Theodore the tremendous,” its conviviality reached Milton. The storm set in about 8 o’clock and continued until 11 o’clock and was the most severe electric storm of the season. No damage was done, except a small locust tree on William Johnson’s property along the border of the lake was struck by lightning.
Milton school election will be held on Saturday the 25th. Remember this. It is tomorrow.
A new industry has been started in town. QA corn cob delivery. Boys are given the corn cobs at the Wagamon flour mill, and they carry them around town in a push cart, selling them for two cents a bushel.
The summer school […] is being held out again. It is in this way, and our authority is responsible. The graduated class of the Milton Public Schools—a part of them, if not all of them—took the examination held at Georgetown recently for teachers. Of course they did not pass. It was not intended they should. Why? The instruction the candidates received from the superintendent informed them. “You did not […] on all the branches, but engage your school […] to the summer school and it will be all right. While the above is not the exact language of the talk. And the superintendent of Public School for Sussex County had the audacity, no […] to […] from the platform in this […]: “There are seventy-five teachers in the schools of this county who should not be there.”
[..Remaining paragraphs are illegible…]