How often in life’s busy […] do we, either with brawn or brain, run up against something, apparently trivial within itself but, which knocks us all out of gear, and for a time, confounds us. We had an experience of this kind recently, and in a line where we are somewhat acquainted, and we were so near being nonplussed, that the job may have been considered by many a failure, Nevertheless, we came through all right, but not satisfactory to ourselves. Doubtless others have had the same experience. But it is no particular matter, and when anything singular occurs we always have many sympathizers. For instance, not long since a lady fell and sprained her ankle, When she was in bed old Mrs. —- came over and told her how she ought to lay with her foot on the headboard to let the blood run out and a busy man about town came in and stayed a long while telling all about how his wife sat in a bucket of soft soap when she had the gipsy itch; and the washwoman said once when she sprained her neck looking for cobwebs she tied it up in her husband’s old red flannel shirt; and other at various times spoke of many remedies for countless ailments. They are all sympathetic and mean well, but by gosh! A man don’t want to hear about anyone else’s ailments when he has one of his own to attend to. But, […] is a characteristic of many. They can’t help it. Then let us be courteous, forbearing, and long suffering toward such.
Spring has again opened and one man in town ploughed his garden on the first day of the month.
Mrs. Mary Fields gave a mixed party on Wednesday evening in honor of her nephew, Mr. George Fowler.
Mrs. Mary Blizzard, after spending some time visiting her parents, returned to Wilmington on Thursday.
The M. D. & V. R. R. Company is again distributing ties along its track getting ready to put the road in order for the summer excursion business.
It does me good, I don’t know how others are affected but when the Supreme Court of the United States […] to uphold a Delaware decision. It did us good to know and believe that the said court has a regard for Delaware Jurisprudence. We refer to the “Jack Godwin”case.[i]
Annie Winifred Gosner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. […] Gosner, died at their home in Slaughter Neck, aged 18 months and 9 days. Funeral in Slaughter Neck. Interment in Slaughter Neck Cemetery Friday March 6th. Rev. Corran officiated. Samuel Wilson funeral director.
On Friday it was discovered early in the morning that one or more pipes in the tubular boiler were burned out. They were compelled to close down for a few days.
J. C. Jerman has […] the works on William Mears’ building. Work has stopped.
Levin King returned home from Jefferson Hospital on Thursday.
Mrs. Ray Ervin, of Baltimore, was the guest of Milton friends this week.
The Local Teachers Institute will be held in Milton on Saturday March 12.
Goodwin Bros. are contracting for tomatoes.
The Missionary Anniversary of the M. E. Church was held on Sunday evening.
The business meeting of the Y’s was held at the home of Miss Mamie Conner’s on Tuesday evening.
David A. Conner has been very sick at his home this week.
[i] Jack Godwin was a Republican Party worker in New Castle County convicted of bribery. He was supposed to have had connections within the highest circles of the Party that would have swayed any and all judges; that did not happen. The Delaware State Supreme Court upheld the conviction. An attempt was made to carry the case to the Supreme Court of the United States, but the justices decided that the grounds for an appeal were not sufficient to warrant laying the matter before the Court.