March 18, 1910

No we could not do our duty last week as we are in the habit of doing it. This was on account of physical disability. The few items we did have were written before we came sick; and were mailed for us by our baby daughter[i]. We were taken sick on Saturday night and were not away from home again until the following Thursday afternoon. Such thing as sickness will occur. But we are thankful that we are as exempt from it as the common run of people, whichever suits best. There were several items which we had on our not but as we have said were unable to write them, and while they may not be news to the Milton reader we will epitomize them for the benefit of the distant reader. Yes, we had a town election on the 5th. There were 450 votes polled. John P. Jones received […] of these votes and was re-elected mayor for another year. James H. Palmer and Captain George H. Hunter were elected Councilmen for three years and S. J. Wilson Councilman for two years. There were some scattering votes cast for mayor. Captain James R. Scull received 16, H. L. Robinson 5 and John Bailey one. The newly elected ticket suits the majority of the people. Six weeks or two months after the big fire a part of this elected ticket could not have been by the majorities given; but the people have seen the point. It has been said “a wise man sometimes changes his […]; a fool never.” This was so during the last town election. The newly elected members are with the holding over members on Saturday evening and perfect of an organization by re-electing J. W. Sharp Secretary and John H. Davidson treasurer. W. H. Welch was elected town assessor and the Board of Health is now constituted by Dr. R. B. Hopkins, W. W. Crouch, and Prof. W. G. Fearing.

Mr. Mary Lank is visiting in New York and Philadelphia.

Otis L. Goodwin is traveling in the large cities of the east and North west in the interest of the Goodwin Canning Company. This firm is contracting for tomatoes for the present year, and again are shipping canned goods this week.

[…next eight paragraphs illegible…]

The meat market of Arthur Macklin’s was […]. He has retired from business.

S. J. Wilson & Son are now using the […] lately vacated by Black & Lingo as a […] store.

Post Office Inspector […] was in town last week, ostensibly to find a site for the Milton Post Office. […].

The Fourth Quarterly Meeting of Harbeson […] will take place next Sunday afternoon.

Caleb […] of Wilmington spoke in the interest of temperance at Reynold’s Church on Sunday morning, at Weigand on Sunday afternoon and at Beaver Dam on Sunday evening.

Miss Letitia Black has returned from a visit to Newark.

[…] R. Draper who lately bought of Dr. H. R. […] of Lewes the Workman & Co. cannery is now contracting for tomatoes through E. W. […].

The Douglass White Shirt & Overall factory finished its repairs to the boiler, and returned to business on Monday.

A part of South Union Street was surveyed […].

[…next four paragraphs illegible…]

Post Master John Black spent several days last week in Wilmington.

Capt. Frank Carey’s scow has been hauled up on the dock and will be repaired by J. P. Davidson and used as a lighter on the river.

A Farmers’ Institute will be held by […] Wilson on next Sunday. A big […] is anticipated.

[…] has the frame of his house being repaired on Mulberry Street.

The second double house of W. W. Conwell on Mulberry Street is enclosed.

Isaac W, Nailor will have completed the store house of Carey & Darby, the present week.

Justice-of-the-peace Eli. L. Collins has been confined to his house for a week, by illness.

Charles King has resigned his position in Jos. [..] Wall’s […] market, and engaged with Waples & King in the hardware business. Now […] Davidson has the position formerly held by Charles King.

[…] new building corner of Mulberry and Lavinia Streets will be enclosed this week.


G. W. Atkins was elected delegate and John Coulter alternate to represent the M. P. Church at the Baltimore Conference to convene on April 3rd.

A Teachers Institute bookedfor Milton on Saturday afternoon; but owing to the inclemency of the weather, adjourned until evening at which time School Hall was well filled. Addresses were made by the Rev. A. C. McGilton, D. D., Alexander Harrington, Principal of the Milton Public Schools, and Superintendent of Sussex Public Schools Hardesty, on the subject of education. And thus ended the Institute of March 12th.

David B. Warren died at Rehoboth on Monday of last week, of heart failure, aged 57 years, 7 months and 17 days. Funeral services were held at Epworth Church, Rehoboth, on Thursday by the Rev. Derrickson, after which the body was shipped by train to Ellendale where a second funeral was held at the church in that town by the Rev. Williams, after which the body was inhumed in Red Men’s Cemetery. Deceased leaves a widow, two sisters and two brothers: Mrs. Henry Warren of Milton, Mrs. George Coverdale of Ellendale, Asbury Warren and Alexander Warren, both also of Ellendale.

Samuel Cornelius Martin died at Coolspring on Saturday aged 35 years, 6 months and 22 days. Funeral services were held at Coolspring Presbyterian Church on Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. Henderson, and interment made in cemetery there by S. J. Wilson & Son, undertakers.

Josiah Prettyman died in Nanticoke Hundred near Rust’s Mill, on Sunday of senility, aged 82 years and 19 days. The funeral was held on Monday evening. Trustees and Steward were elected, and routine business transacted. An adjourned meeting will be held on Friday evening, April 1st, to finish up the business of the year.

Town Council met on Monday evening and re-elected J. B. Mustard street supervisor, Town Police and Tac Collector, at a salary of $200 per annum.

Rev. A. C. McGilton has gone to Conference with his salary paid in full and the benefices of the church all satisfied. This is only in accordance with Milton’s […].

Work on William Mears’ building is still held up, pending some kind of an understanding.



[i] Laura Conner, the youngest of Conner’s eight children, was sixteen at the time.