Another twelve months has rolled around. Spring is again with us. The buds are beginning to swell, the daffodils are in full bloom, the air is becoming hazy, and the melodious notes of the bull frog are heard in the land. All along Federal Street the situation is now interesting. We have maple trees of many varieties, that Town Council did not succeed in dogging up two years ago, and these varieties produce, each a different colored bud or blossom and the contrast between these buds is what makes the situation along Federal Street, so very interesting. And, there are other things at this particular season, which are the recurrence of wonderful, which time’s cycle brings to us annually, which we expect, yet cannot explain, and should we miss the vernal bloom for one twelve months, it would appear more wonderful, and unaccountable than do its annual successions. March is accused as the month of bluster; of coughs, colds, and pneumonia; yet St. Patrick’s Day was fair, and when still evening came on the moonlight was exceeding lovely. The ladies of the M. P. Church, held a social in Masonic Temple on this evening, commemorative of the birth or the death—whichever it might be—of the Saint of the Emerald Isle. A goodly sum was realized for the benefit of the “organ fund.” (We should think that fund is getting plethoric). One of our citizens, somewhat more advanced in thought that many, in the absence of Shamrock, or clover, wore boxwood in his button hold on last Thursday That was green, anyway, if it was not exactly representative. The sun has crossed the line, without much bluster, and knocked off the fish hawks, and they will soon be seen hovering over the Broadkiln, looking for some of John Robinson’s boneless herring. Altogether the last week has been exceedingly favorable for March. We compliment the month on its good behavior.
On Wednesday of last week three sessions of a Farmers Institute were held in School Hall. At the morning session B. E. B. Woodall and Prof. Hayward enlightened the audience on corn culture, and the use of fertilizers. At the afternoon session, potatoes, clover and pork raising were under discussion. The subject of drainage occupied the evening session; at which time addresses were made by Tatum of the Geological Survey, Washington, D. C., and Dr. Caleb R. Layton of Georgetown. All of the sessions were well attended. The farmers are beginning to take an interest in these institutes and are becoming educated in a better way of farming. There is, even now, quite a difference in the mode of farming in the county than when the writer immigrated therein, years ago.
At a recent session of Town Council the Royal Packing Company was granted a permit to erect poles and the conduits and pipes through the streets of the town, for the purpose of furnishing light and water to the citizens. The company is to be taxed twenty cents each year for each pole, Council also awarded ten cents to each of the property holders for the ground condemned and for the purpose of widening the streets.
The dynamo and machinery for the Royal Packing Company’s Electric Lighting Plant has been put in position.
Draper & Son are hauling pea cans from the station to their Slaughter Neck factory.
[…] & Stevens have built a handsome delivery wagon for Carey and Darby.
Noble Ellingsworth after spending the winter with his mother and other Milton friends returned to the city last week.
J. Leon Black, assistant trust officer of the S. S. T. T. and D. Co., spent a few days in Philadelphia last week.
After being laid off since Christmas, carpenters have resumed work on the Palmer block of buildings.
TH young people of the M. E. Church will hold a Season Carnival in School Hall on Friday evening the 25th. Admission five and ten cents. Proceeds for the benefit of the organ fund.
W. H. and G. B. Atkins are building a Dear Rise Naphtha Launch for the Rev. A. C. Behringer of Swedesboro, N. J. The boat will be 27 ft. long and 7 ft. beam. The ship yard is on the vacant lot adjoining the school house.
John. R. Robinson is said to be catching boneless herring from the Broadkiln. Boneless or not they have been selling for three cents apiece.
Gardening is on in earnest. Many of our early birds have peas, onions and potatoes planted. “The early bird catches the worm.” But what’s […]?
Miss Eva Smith is having her residence on North Union Street repainted by William Smith & Sons.
Capt. James Conwell is home with his family.
Ants bid fair to be troublesome to gardeners this spring. The rising in the ground shows they are at hand and investigating.
Raising pigeons is getting to be quite an industry with the boys and some older people. Squabs sell among the epicures at thirty cents the pair.
Captain G. E. Megee went to Conference on Friday. We did expect the captain to bring us the result back with him, but he didn’t.
Carey and Darby have removed to their new storehouse on Union Street.
While sawing wood last week with a portable saw, a stick hit William Richards near the mouth, knocking him senseless for a time, and loosening several teeth.
{..} Case, tenant on the W. H. Chandler farm, has nicely trimmed the pear orchard of 800 trees and removed several dead maples from the lawn in front of the building, greatly enhancing the beauty of the place.
The Milton Fertilizer Company has built an office near their works and are making other improvements.
Firemen’s Band Minstrel Company will hold an entertainment Thursday evening in School Hall.
[…] H. Markell has sold his residence on Federal Street again. This time to Charles Virden and his tobacco and cigar outfit to Mayor J. C. […].
William H. Chandler of Scranton, Pa., is a Milton visitor.
There was no preaching service at the M. E. Church on Sunday. Many of the congregation attended the M. P. Church, where the Rev. Smith preached an interesting sermon on Palm Sunday on “Passion Week.” It does not look reasonable that anyone could go to sleep under that sermon.
Herring from Indian River sold in town on Saturday at 20 cents per dozen.
Mrs. Margaret W. King is having a metal roof put on her property, on North Union Street, in tenure of Willard Carey.
On Monday H. E. Elliott & Son of Rehoboth commenced making cement blocks for S. J. Wilson & Son’s new building. The work is being done near the site of the proposed new building.
Miss Lizzie Warren of near town spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Conner.
Work is yet at a standstill on the Mears building.
May V. Walls, wife of William Walls, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Walls in Prime Hook on Wednesday 16th, aged 26 years, 5 months and 27 days. Funeral services were held at Reynold’s on Saturday by the Rev. Benjamin Bryan, and interment made in the adjacent cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
The funeral services of Roberta Campbell were held at White Chapel on Sunday afternoon by the Rev. J. R. Henderson, and the remains inhumed in the nearby cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son. Deceased died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Campbell, near Overbrook, on Saturday, aged 2 years, 2 months and 5 days.
Margaret Johnson died on Sunday afternoon of senility, aged 75 years. The funeral was held at Burton Chapel, on Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. Robert Wright, and burial made in the Church Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
The last sad rites were performed over the remains of William David Fitzgerald on Wednesday afternoon, at Cedar Neck Church, by the Rev. Salvage, and the body interred in the church cemetery by S. J. Wilson. Deceased was 64 years 11 months, and 12 days old and died of pneumonia on Saturday, at his home in Cedar Neck.