George Fowler, who was born and raised at Greenport, Long Island, is now visiting Milton, and is being entertained by his aunt, Mrs. Mary Fields. Seventeen years ago Mr. Fowler was shipwrecked along the Atlantic coast, and lost everything he then had. He came to his aunt, Mrs. Fields, at Milton, who cared for him, clothed him up, and sent him on his way rejoicing. Since that time he and his brother were in the Cuban War, where the latter was killed. After the war Mr. Fowler, who is an engineer, engaged at his trade, and finally eventuated to Panama, from whence after a few years’ service he has returned to Milton, to again visit his aunt. He has accumulated something and has not forgotten the former kindness of Mrs. Field toward him. Mrs. Fields lost her property, an uninsured building, and nearly all of her personal in the conflagration of August 13th, 1909, and the present assistance to her is timely and opportune. How long Mr. Fowler will remain in Milton is not known. This is only one of the many instances wherein we see verified the truth of the preacher:–“Cast thy bread upon the waters, for then thou shall find it after many days.”
On Wednesday evening of last week, Miss Mary Dodd and William Walls, both of Broadkiln Hundred, were united in wedlock at the M. E. Parsonage by the Rev. A. C. McGilton.
Mrs. Angeline Pennewill left on Wednesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Rilla Finkbine, at Chester, Pa., and will remain indefinitely.
Captain George A. Goodwin made a business trip to Baltimore last week.
In coming down Federal Street on Thursday with a load of fodder, the two horse team of Stephen Sockum became unmanageable. Steve was pulled by the reins down astride of the wagon tongue and was helpless in guiding the team. With one rein he tried to turn the corner onto Front Street, but missed the street and ran over the foundation pillars of what was once the “big store,” one side of the wagon going into the cellar far enough to throw off the load, then the team made the arc of a circle and came into Front Street. It was a critical time for Steve, and the most miraculous part of the incident was he and the team were unhurt.
A local Teacher’s Institute will be held in School Hall on Saturday the 12 inst. Prof. Hardesty will be there.
A man apparently past middle life came into a store and after a private conference with the proprietor began to unload eggs from his trouser’s pockets, inside coat pocket, and finally from his outside coat pockets. He took them out mechanically, one at a time, and laid them on the counter. At last he said, “That’s all.” “Got any more in your cap?” said the merchant. The man took off his cap and looked.—“Nope.” said he, and several persons in the store laughed.
On Friday evening the “Y’s” gave an entertainment in the M. E. Church, of a patriotic and temperance character. There was singing and the usual recitations of patriotic and temperance selections, also a bevy of eight misses, carrying flags representing eight nationalities—England, France, Germany, Turkey, Russia, China, Japan, and India—paying their respects to Washington who was represented by William W. Davidson. There was a lady representing the “Goddess of Liberty,” to whom appeals were made, by a citizen, a mother and a child, for the liberation of the country from alcohol. The auditorium of the church was well filled, and the audience enjoyed the program. There was no admittance fee.
Last Thursday was the 89th anniversary of J. C. Hazzard’s birthday. Mr. Hazzard is now visiting Dr. P. W. Tomlinson and wife—daughter and son-in-law—in Wilmington. Many souvenir cards were sent him from Milton.
The Workman & Co. cannery, implements etc. that were recently sold at a bankrupt sale, and bought by Dr. Hiram R. Burton of Lewes, is advertised to be sold by the purchaser on March 3rd.
It is understood the jetty at the mouth of the Broadkiln will receive $5000 government appropriation.
Captain G. E. Megee and William R. Ingram have bought Nathan H. Williams’ saw mill, and will soon remove it from its present location to a tract of timber in Slaughter Neck.
John P. Farnan off Wilmington, Industrial Census enumerator, has been in and around Milton for a week.
On Friday James H. Prettyman had Walter Wright, colored, arraigned before Squire Collins for trespassing and carrying away wood. Defendant was required to give bail, and could not do it, and he ran away from the constable. Subsequently the mother of the escaped man appeared and agreed to pay cost of prosecution, […] the wood returned if plaintiff would be satisfied, It was agreed that way.
[…] was […] by the entertainment held in School Hall on the evening of the 22nd We erroneously stated in last week’s communication that the play of that evening, “Strife, or Triumph of Honor” was a “comedy” when we should have written “tragedy.”
The large poplar tree that stands at the corner of Federal and Polar Streets, south Milton, has a small hollow near the ground. On Saturday morning come cedar […], some […] some paper, and a few matches were found at the mouth of this hollow. The paper ad leaves were partly burned. Evidently some boys who are in the habit of roaming around the locality in the early part of the night had been trying to kindle a fire in the hollow of the poplar tree, The parents of these boys had better keep them at home in the evening; for […] said this were to get on fire […] it would prove a dangerous contingency to deal with. A watch […] be kept on these boys hereafter and should they attempt to do this thing again, they may […] up to the work begun.[i]
We don’t often […] in the kind of literature […]. […] the case is peculiar: Joseph […] is the happy father of a little girl. Mr. […] has been married […] years and […] in the family. Mr. Walls is a Milton butcher and a man of great perseverance and extraordinary faith, and has patiently waited; and now he has demonstrated to the community what can be accomplished by faith, piety, persistence, and a good beef steak. May the trio enjoy a long and happy life.
Ex-congressman Hiram R. Burton of Lewes in town on Tuesday.
Mrs. Margaret Draper on Monday brought suit before Squire Collins against her son Benjamin S. Draper for $80.00, alleged to be due her for rent of farm. The plaintiff was represented by R. H. Houston, Esq., of Georgetown and the case was tried before referees, who awarded the plaintiff $68.00, which, with the cost amounted to $74.00.
The Royal Packing Company will this week begin work on its electric lighting plant; and in about two weeks it will be completed. What will be the future business of this plant, time will develop.
Robert Willey is yet confined to his home with gastritis.
James P. L. Pierson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Pierson, died near Cedar Creek on Friday of pneumonia, aged 1 year and 9 days. Funeral Services were held at Slaughter Neck Church on Sunday afternoon, by the Rev. Bryan of Harbeson, and burial made in the nearby cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Levin Vaughn died at his home near Sand Hills on Saturday of senility, aged 84 years, 1 month and 4 days. Funeral services at Sand Hill Church on Monday morning by the Rev. Thomas of Georgetown and sepulture made at the “Captain O. Day Cemetery” by S. J. Wilson & Son. Levin Vaughn was a man who had seen life in its most terrific form. I have heard him relate how on one occasion many years ago he was shanghaied one night in Philadelphia, and shipped on board an Italian vessel, and carried across the Atlantic. He could not understand their language, and suffered many hardships before he got back to America. His was a thrilling experience; and I do not remember it well enough to publish the whole of it correct.
Joshua W. Bailey died at his home on Mulberry Street in this town on Sunday night of pneumonia, aged 71 years, 11 months and 1 day. Funeral services were held at his late home on Wednesday afternoon by the Rev. Smith, and interment made in eh Presbyterian Cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Joshua A. Lynch died at Robbins on Sunday evening of general debility, aged 85 years, 5 months and 3 days. Funeral services were held on Thursday morning at his late home, and the body inhumed in Sand Hills cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.
[i] David A. Conner had more than a passing interest in the poplar tree; it was located in front of a house owned by his family, a few feet beyond the house he lived in. Both still stand today, but the poplar tree is long gone.