The mechanics of Milton are getting to be very independent on account of plenty of work. If a man has a job in the county it is a hard matter to get men to do it unless they are taken forth and back in an automobile, and they often ask a little extra riding around the town.
The house cleaning nuisance has been again during the last week. O my, don’t this work come often! We should think that with burning the leaves, or, relegating them to stables the women have enough to do, without cleaning house so often. But they don’t.
An item of ours a few weeks ago was misunderstood. It was thought buy some we mean the coal burning has stopped. We did not say so. We said the man and his daughters who were setting the kilns had completed their work and left. But “setting the wood for the kilns” and burning it are two different jobs.
The burning will probably not be finished before the end of the year.
Six weeks ago William H. Fox trod on a wire nail which pierced his foot. The matter appearing trivial but little attention was paid to it, until sometime after when the wound became serious, and Dr. Will Heam, who was occupying his cottage at Broadkiln Beach, operated on it, and relief was obtained for a time., the wound again began to give trouble and last week Dr. R. T. Wilson operated on it. Mr. Fox is still waking with crutches, through apparently, much better.
Robert Morris has returned from the Medico-Chi Hospital[i] where he was operated on for intestinal troubles. He was much improved.
Mrs. Mollie Russell of Scranton, Pa., is the guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Chandler.
Rally Day will be overserved at the M. P. Church on Sunday the 20 inst.
The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered at both the M. E. and M. P. Churches on last Sunday morning.
Repairs have been made to the platform at the M. D. & V. R. R. station; and that cracked chimney top that has been a menace so long has been repaired.
Bad weather prevailed for three days last week. On Thursday night it snowed, and on Friday morning quite a sprinkle decorated the roofs of the town’s buildings. This was the first snow of the season and twenty days earlier than the first snow of last autumn.
A new flag gas been ordered to take the place of the worn out and weather-beaten one on the flag pole, at the Public School building.
Captain Ralph Megee and wife of New York are the guests of Milton relatives and friends.
Special services will be held at the M. P. Church on Thanksgiving.
Another car load of charcoal was shipped from Lavinia switch on Tuesday.
Monday morning was the coldest of the season. Water in the […] homes along the county roads was frozen, and the ground likewise.
John Marker living on Mill Street has a sweet potato that has been dug two years, and has been in a good state of preservation until recently; it is now beginning to decay. The potato has been kept in a warm room during the time, and has produced several sprouts. It now has such on it; and they are green; proving conclusively there is yet life in the potato.
James A. Betts has his new building on north Union Street enclosed.
From one pound of sugar beet seed sown by J. R. Atkins, there is said to have been raised one hundred bushels of beets.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Blizzard and son C. A. Blizzard, Jr., are the guest of Mrs. Blizzard’s parents, Mr. And Mrs. J. B. Welch.
The letters “S. T. T. & S. D. Co.,” on the above named banks were regilt on Monday by G. B. Atkins.
H. O. Lockerman of Drawbridge died on Saturday at Concord, Md. of Bright’s Disease, and was buried at that place.
The recent cold weather has been a busy time for the coal merchants. The price is $6.70 per ton.
Whatever may be the result of today’s election campaign, in this district, that has led up to it has been one of innocuous quietism. There have never been fewer political meetings held than was ever before known in the history of the town; and the minds of the people appear to have been but little disturbed over the election of any particular candidate. However, on Sunday there were two automobiles, said to be from Milfo0rd and occupied by Democrat politicians, touring the country. They passed through town as the church bells were ringing; and it is said their objective point was Lewes. On Tuesday morning there was considerable delaying in opening the polls, and it lacked but seven minutes to nine o’clock when the announcement was made for voting. And then the already formed line of money people began to move, and with but little intermission; this was kept up until the voting closed. There were 711 votes cast less that the registrated which is 748. There is supposed to be many scratched tickets and it will be likely to take all night to tally out the result. The day was a fair one and as usual there were gathered in Milton the many representatives of the genus homo from this district. The Democrats were active, and on the alert as ever, while apathy appeared to be the chief constituent of the Republican leaders—if there are any. Of course the Democrats were fighting for a resubmission of the liquor question, and if we may venture an opinion, we well say that we the Republicans are beaten “like the —– “ in this district. This is our belief before we knew anything about the result. This has been a peaceable and quiet election. Almost all persons did as they pleased: some however, with a […], and we saw but one drunk during the day. The disappointed ones of tomorrow may congratulate themselves that they are not the only ones who have ever been defeated in an election.
[i] Medico-Chi was a shortened name for Medico-Chirurgical (“Surgical”) and was the first medical college in Philadelphia chartered to confer a three-year degree, in 1881; a faculty was not actually assembled until 1886. The school was absorbed by the University of Pennsylvania and Jefferson Medical College in 1916.