The eclipse of the moon on Wednesday evening was witnessed by many people of the town. The sky at the beginning was perfectly clear, and continued so until the face of the moon was completely darkened, when a cloud obscured the vision. And when the cloud moved away, the transit was over. The first eclipse—an eclipse of the sun—of which we have knowledge, was “The Eclipse of Thales.” In order to give the many readers of the Chronicle, who may not know the singular way in which this eclipse ended, we quote the following from Rawlinson: “This war between the Ionians and Medes is said to have been […] in as singular manner. Their two great armies had come to an engagement 610 B. C., according to Grote; 591 B. C. according to Pliny when in the midst of the battle a total eclipse of the sun occurred, which so alarmed the soldiers that they immediately retired from the conflict. The two monarchs thereupon concluded not only a peace, but a firm treaty of alliances with each other and peace continued to subsist between these two powers until the time of Cyrus, about half a century afterward.“ This event had been foretold by Thales, the Milesian, who forewarned the Ionians of it, fixing for it the year in which actually took place.” I well remember when I was a boy that an eclipse of the sun or moon was considered a phenomenon and frightened many people who were imbued with superstition, The intelligence of the people today shows them to be the result of a natural law of the solar system, and scientists and astronomers figure their occurrence, not only to the year, but to the day, hour and minute.[i]
Ferdinand Pepper has completed the brick work of his future residence—P. C. Lofland also has the brick work of the building on his farm completed. Both of these buildings are near town.
C. G. Jones has rented the lower portion of the old academy, and will make holly wreaths therein.
Handy Prettyman is increasing the capacity of his ice plant near the lake by building an addition thereto that will double the tonnage.
November is drawing near its close, and there is much corn in the shock yet in the field to be […] out. The Sussex crop, like that elsewhere, has been unprecedently large.
The swarm of bees that has been making honey on a telephone pole near the P. E. Church all summer has emptied the comb of its honey and frozen to death.
Mrs. Annie Kemp, of Baltimore, has removed into one of the buildings of W. W. Conwell on Mulberry Street, north. Her husband is an employee of the government, and is now in the Philippines.
It is reported that Nathan Williams has the whooping cough.
Thomas Black is attending a business college in Philadelphia.
Electric light wires have been installed in Red Men’s Hall.
Extra meetings began at Weigand Church on Sunday evening.
Mrs. B. J. Coverdale left on Saturday left on to visit friends and relatives in Philadelphia, Jersey City and other cities.
It is rumored that a meeting of the citizens will be held in School Hall on Wednesday evening, “In regard to bonding the town for water works.” Tis ever thus, after a big fire; and we hope “the citizens” may attend on Wednesday evening and do something.
Deputy U. S. Marshall W. C. Mehan came in town on Friday and libeled the steamer Marie Thomas, now tying at Milton dock. The claim of which the libel is based is preferred by the C. H. Wheeler Manufacturing Company of Pennsylvania. All persons having any right, title or interest in the vessel are cited to appear in the District Court to be held at Wilmington on December 2nd, for the purpose of adjudicating the claim.
Henry Warren has repaired the sidewalk in front of his property on Chestnut Street.
The lumber that has been laying on the lot at the P. E. Church for a long time, and was intended to build a tower for the church, was offered for sale on Saturday, but no bids being offered, the lumber remains.
In conversation with a gentleman, he incidentally remarked: “Last June I discontinued the Milford Chronicle, which I had been taking for some time, and I haven’t been able to sleep well since. Here’s a check for one dollar; have it sent to me again.” And with another subscriber we have ordered it in this mode.
The schools are closed this week, and the teachers are presumably at Milford.
The sidewalks in front of the vacant lot on Chestnut Street, belonging to Miss Mary Fisher of Philadelphia, have been repaired.
John B. Welch made a flying visit to Philadelphia on Monday, returning on Tuesday.
Mrs. C. A. Blizzard, nee Welch, and son, who have been visiting her parents, returned to Wilmington on Monday.
We are in receipt of a copy of the State Auditor’s Report for 1909. Beside the valuable information on finance, the mechanical work on the book is excellent. It was printed by the Milford Chronicle power press.
Thanksgiving services were held in the M. E. Church on Thursday, conducted by the Rev. Frank P. Holland, the M. P. minister. Rev. Isaiah Lusk, the guest pastor of the M. E. Church, has gone to Westerly, R. I., to visit his family. As is well known around town, Milton now presents the extraordinary spectacle of having a pastor, a presumptive pastor, at the M. E. Church who golds the parsonage and collects his salary on Monday mornings and keeps his family in another state. And the stewards of his church allow this. Great God! To what is the Methodist Episcopal Church of Milton coming!!!
“Rally Day” was observed at the M. P. Church on Sunday evening.
Miss Mary Fisher of Philadelphia is being entertained by Mrs. Lizzie Chandler.
Sunday night was the coldest of the season. Much ice was visible on Lake Fanganzyki on Monday morning.
A double team in Jester’s stable yard took fright on Saturday evening and rand own to the park, and when found the carriage was demolished.
The amount of game killed during the past week is not up to the expectation of many.
J. C. Davidson has sold his new naphtha launch to Messrs. Bosler & Co., of Media, Pa. As the boat has not yet had an engine put in, the purchases are expected to come after her at any time and tow her to her future home.
Enterprise Council, No. 16, Jr. O. U. A. M., will attend the M. P. church in a body on next Sunday morning, when the Rev. Frank Holland will address them from the pulpit.
In the afternoon of the same day the order will hold a special meeting for them at its lodge room on Front Street.
“Subquestered.”We don’t know the word. Never saw it until last week when it occurred twice in our communication. We wrote it “Sequestered.” Along the cool sequestered vale of life of life.” And Gray ought to have known how to use his own vegetables.
[i] The actual date of the battle has been fixed at May 28, 585 B. C., which corresponds to the date determined by astronomers today of the total solar eclipse in that era and location, There is an ongoing debate as to whether Thales of Miletus actually made the prediction, and what method he may have used.