Anyone walking the streets of Milton may notice nice houses—some of them among the nicest of the town—many of them closed, or occupied only by one or two persons, aged or advanced in life. These that are closed cannot be rented, as the owners of such property do not need money and have income enough without any rents that might be obtained from this idle property. This looks like an uneven distribution of wealth. Now we are not an anarchist. We believe that everyone should be permitted to enjoy the fruit of his labor. But many do not enjoy the fruit of their own labor, but the fruit of someone else’s labor, and having a plethora of wealth by inheritance, they know not the anxiety and trouble if accumulation, nor the sting of poverty, and think that if others are not as well off as themselves, they should be, They cannot see why people are poor, and are not interested in the problem of “the high price of living.” It is not always that people are poor by their own acts. Sometimes they do not “have a chance.” Sometimes the persons who have an accumulation of wealth, do not do their duty to mankind of elevating the poor man. But I their attention is called to this point, one is answered with a sneer, and “O, he is of no account.” On the other hand there is a disposition on the part of many of the poorer people to be thriftless. All they care about is to have enough in the present life. They don’t want to leave anything behind. We knew a lady, in circumstances mediocre, who was accredited with having said, “All I want’s a plenty in this world, and when I die, I want to kick the last jonny cake[i] in the fire. And I think she did it. And perhaps she was right. It has been said, “If you want to ruin a boy, give him a horse and carriage ad leave him some money. We have had examples of the above truth here. Summing all together and giving credit to the wise men who said, “Money is the root of all evil.” We will have to repeat the language of the other man: “I’d like to have a big chunk of that root.”
A the Democratic primary held at the Mayor’s office on Saturday afternoon there was but one ticket in the field, and twenty-one votes cast. Sydney A. Jarvis, George A. Bryan and Charles F. Lacey were elected delegates to attend the Dover convention. Pete Dutton, James Tarr and Walton Thomson were elected alternates.
A medical temperance meeting will be held in Beaver Dam Church under the auspices of the Lillian Cade W. C. T. U. and the Harbeson Y. P. B. on Sept. 25th. A fine program will be rendered. Dr. Jones of Georgetown will make an address on this subject; our county president will also be present. It is a subject that should be deeply studied by every earnest and thoughtful person who wishes to help themselves and others to a better plane of living. Please do not forget the date, Sept. 29, 1910, and please do not forget to come.
The regular business meeting of the Lillian Cade Union will be held at the house of Hyson B. Davison on the evening of Sept. 30th, under the guidance of Mrs. Ella Bryan, our new president. It is important that all members be present, for the delegate to the State Convention to be held in Wilmington the last week in October will be elected. All others are invited who care to come. We will be glad to meet you all. Our Union has been agreeably surprised by another present consisting of sixteen bags of different sizes, also a large quantity of bunting; the contributors were A. E. Walker, William Dodd, his mother and Mr. Pepper. Many thanks for this act of kindness. (The two items above are published by request.)
The Royal Packing Company has built an addition to its building to be used as a packing room.
Mrs. Benjamin Burton, of Frederica, has been visiting among relatives in Milton.
The Public Schools of town opened on Monday with a fill corps of teachers and plenty of pupils
Rev. David Johnson, of Georgetown, preached at the M. P. Church on Sunday morning. The Rev. Benj. Bryan, of Harbeson, is expected to occupy this pulpit on next Sunday.
Theodore Seal, of Philadelphia, wife and daughters are Milton visitors.
There are several holes in the flooring of the iron bridge in the heart of town, that are getting larger all the time, and had better be attended to by the proper authority, or the county may have a ill of damages to foot. These holes have worn large enough for a small foot to go through now, and are getting larger all the time. A word to the wise should be sufficient.
S. J. Wilson is putting down concrete pavement.
Postmaster Black moved into the post office building on Monday. He has a splendid office with ample room. A credit to Milton and the man and daughter, who manipulated the distribution of the Milton mails. But O! How desolate is the corner of Chestnut and Wharton Streets. We passed by the corner on Monday afternoon; the window shutters were closed; a general desolation pervaded the atmosphere. And now there will not be so much travel on Chestnut. Truly “every season has its own.”
William Mears has filled his sidewalk up with dirt preparatory to doing other work to it.
On Monday a metallic roof was put on the property of Dr. James A. Hopkins on Chestnut Street, in tenure of Station Agent Owens.
Mrs. Willis Hurst and daughter, of Baltimore, are the guests of O. w. and Mrs. Atkins.
Outten & Palmer are painting the dwelling of C. G. Waples on Federal Street.
The shirt and overall factory was closed on Monday, pending some repairs to the boiler.
On Monday nine writs were issued by Mayor Jones for the arrest of persons engaged in rioting on Front Street on Saturday night. Up to the present six have been arraigned and fined in sums ranging $2 to $10 and costs. There is much said about the enforcement of the law in Milton, usually by irresponsible people. We presume the law is as well enforced by the officials of Milton as far as their duty goes, and it is in any other little town. Those who prate the most, and are seeking for trouble had better bear one thing in mind.
That those who live in glass houses,
had better pull down the blinds.
In connection with rioting on the streets, we are reminded of what we heard on the street no longer than two hours ago. “If ever the question of resubmission is submitted to the voters, I shall vote for it, although I voted at the local option to close the saloon.” And this man’s opinion is the opinion of many others. They think they had better have it […] saloon that the law as it is. And as you see the drift of opinion, “To your tents, O, Bread.”
Susie […], wife of Lemuel Steel, died at her home in Harbeson on Monday, aged 49 years, 11 months and 17 days. Funeral was held at Beaver Dam on we3dnesday afternoon by the Rev. Bryan, and burial made in the adjoining cemetery by S. J. Wilson.
Sara Rosalie Hudson died at the home of her parents in Rehoboth on Friday of dropsy, ages two months and 26 days. The funeral was held at the M. E. Church in Rehoboth on Monday by the Rev. Ellis and sepulture made in the Presbyterian cemetery in Rehoboth by S. J. Wilson & Son.
Martham daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank […] (Germans, at work at the Anderson cannery), died on the 6th last, aged 3 months. The body was shipped the same day by S. J, Wilson to Baltimore for burial.
Annie E. Carey has sold to John E. Johnson the house and lot at Parker’s Bridge just inside the town limit. Consideration $100.00.
John E. Johnson has sold his farm of 35 acres in Broadkiln Hundred to James A. Johnson for $100.00.
Harry Owens, station agent, has bought of the heirs of Abel Pettyjohn, deceased, a tract of timber on the road from Milton to Georgetown, containing 120 acres for $1,000.00.
The heirs of the late Samuel Lofland have sold to Garrison Reed 14 acres of land in Broadkiln Hundred for $500.00
The heirs of Priscilla Parker have sold to J. […] Black the house and lot on Chestnut Street, now occupied by Constable King. Consideration private.
[i] A corn meal flatbread