Hansin Brothers had a small bulldog which they kept around their clothing store near the corner of Federal and Front Streets. On Wednesday of last week, this bulldog as on the dock when one of the boys, playing around, set him on the 12 year daughter of Lewis Mustard, the dog grabbed the child by the calf of the left leg, terribly frightening her, and bruising the flesh if the leg beside leaving indentations of his teeth. Excitement ran high the remainder of the day; and the father and brother of the child went gunning for the dog until night, but were not fortunate enough to find him. It is said the dog was shipped to Lewes by the night train. If so, the Lewes people had better look out for him and not be like the Milton people have been: waiting for him to bite someone before taking action. There are other dogs in town of the same caliber as this one, and the people of town are waiting for some dire deed to be done before taking action in regard to these dogs. “Prevention is better than cure.”
The large auditorium of the M. E. Church was filled on last Wednesday evening to hear one of the female nurses from the State Tuberculosis Hospital lecture on the dread disease “Tuberculosis,” or better known among some classes as “Consumption.“ The speaker billed for the occasion did not materialize, and the physicians of the town took up the subject and discussed it.
The anti-tuberculosis car left here on Thursday.
Another car load of charcoal was shipped form Lavinia Switch on Saturday for New York.
J. B. Welch attended the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Sussex County Sunday School association held at Milford last week.
William Blizzard has had curbing put in front of his property on Broad Street.
Schooner Ella Call delivered a cargo of coal at the Goodwin works on Thursday.
Alfred C. Davidson, of Gulfport, Miss., returned to his home on Friday.
William Mears, in connection with his tonsorial business, has introduced a bathtub for the accommodation of patrons.
The following graduates of the Milton High School have secured schools for the coming fall and winter term: Miss Edna Gray goes to Belmont, near Millsboro; Emma Smith goes to Ingram’s; Hester Derrickson to Prime Hook as assistant; Lower Broadkiln, Ralph Smith; Donovan’s, Theodore Johnson.
William H. Welch will teach the Ellendale School again the coming term, beginning September 12th.
Rev. M. P. Jackson, a former minister at this place, has bought a property north of town formerly owned by Warner Cropper.
Captain George B. Hunter has sold a building lot on Atlantic Street to John O. Clifton, who intends to erect a building thereon.
While sawing wood last week Harry Martin had the end of his right thumb cut off.
The peach season is about over in this district. Mr. Case shipped his last load from the Chandler Farm last Tuesday.
Schooner Annie L. Russell delivered a cargo of coal at Virden’s coal yard on Wednesday.
James P. Mustard of Connecticut is visiting his mother and other friends.
Mrs. Ella Blocksom and daughter Pauline are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Davidson.
Captain A. J. Davidson was home with his family the latter part of last week.
On account of the “usual voting place” in this district being occupied as a furniture warehouse, the Republican primary was held on Saturday at the Mayor’s office. There were 134 votes polled. Silas J. Warrington, John M. Robbins and John T. Crouch were elected delegates and John H. Clendaniel, Cyrus E. Bacon and James E. Painter alternates to attend the Dover Convention to be held on Wednesday. B. Frank Walls was elected county committeeman. There were two tickets in the field. The delegates and alternates on each ticket were the same with the exception of John T. Crouch, delegate, being in the winning ticket, and Austin Raugh on the defeated one. And B. Frank Walls, County Committeeman, being on the winning ticket, and Harry l. Robinson, for County Committeeman, being on the unsuccessful one.
The M. E. Sunday School that has been holding its session in the morning during the summer, has returned to the afternoon regime, commencing next Sunday.
Columbus Welch will teach the Cave Neck School again the coming term.
The recent rains have badly washed two places in the streets of town. The wash near the bridge was repaired on Monday.
At the colored camp meeting on Sunday […] gate money was realized. Thus far this camp has been orderly and quite respectable, an improvement on many of late years. It will continue over another Sunday. Colored camps in the locality don’t “break up,” they wear out by erosion of their own friction.
There was no preaching service at the M. P. Church on Sunday.
District Superintendent Stephenson preached at the M. R. Church on Sunday evening, and the Second Quarterly Conference was held on Monday morning following.
Rev. Fran Holland has so far recovered from his late illness as to be able to take a trip for recuperation. He and Mrs. Holland will leave this week for Putman Grove, where they will spend a few weeks. It is understood the President of the Maryland Annual Conference will send a minister to supply Mr. Holland’s place during his absence.
Another time schedule went into effect on the M. D. & V. R. R. on Monday. Trains going west now leave Milton at 7.10 a. m. and 5.18 p. m; going east they leave Milton at 11.08 a. m. and 8.12 p. m.
The outside of the Wilson building will soon be completed; the architrave, frieze, and cornice were put on last week; and workmen from Milford are putting on the tin roof on this week. The porches are also being erected. The horses are up for the stairways and the chimneys are being run and the stucco put on.
Many of the summer visitors, who have been lounging in negligee around Milton for some time, have stayed out their vacation, and the early part of last week has seen them returning to their work.
On Tuesday evening Miss Lillian Cade will deliver a lecture in the M. E. Church under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. The subject will be “Glimpses for Abroad.” It will be recalled that Miss Cade was a delegate to the World’s W. C. T. U. convention held last June at Glasgow, Scotland. Miss Cade, who by the way has had experience on the platform and is a good speaker, will no doubt give her hearers a graphic account of voyage upon the ocean, and doubly entertain them with a description of the sense she has visited in that “bonnie” land of […] love, where Mansfield wrote and Wallace[i] bled. And also of the moonlight strolls along the banks of the Axe made historic by “Robbie” Burns and his “Highland Mary.[ii]” But we must not anticipate.

Post Office inspector Plummer was here again last week, and inspected the new room fitted up for the post office. He has notified the department at Washington of the result and as soon as the necessary preliminaries shall have been made and lease etc. shall have been signed, postmaster Black will expect to receive his orders to move therein.[iii]
[i] Sir William Wallace, Scottish national hero (c. 1270 – 1305), whom modern moviegoers know as Braveheart.
[ii] “Highland Mary” was the title of one of three poems written by Robert Burns (1759 – 1796) for Mary Campbell (1763 – 1786), with whom he was in love during the 1780’s. All three poems were set to music.
[iii] The post office was set to lease one of the storefronts on the Palmer Block, reconstructed 1909 – 1910 following the fire of August 12, 1909.