The salubrity [sic] of the Milton climate is notorious for its healing properties, as well as its metamorphose [sic] of character, and contours of individual persons. It is often taxed to the utmost in wearing off the rough edges of persons including school teachers who locate here for a while. Plentiful bathing in our pure water soon produces results and the induvial is not here long before he or she begins to take on an air of civilization that at first appeared foreign to their nature, but which in time becomes a part of their being. So much for the influence of Milton climate, and Milton education, on the sojourner for a few months, or a fee months, or even a few days.
George W. Jones had a watch stolen from his home on last Wednesday by a colored man named William H. Brown, whom he had employed through a southern agency. The same day the said Brown present a check at the counter of the S. S. T. T. & D. Co. with the signature of George W. Jones attached, and made payable to the order of William H. Brown. The check was for $38.38. The bank officials refused to cast it on account of want of identification of Brown, and beside they doubted the genuineness of Mr. Jones’ signature. Mr. Jones has since declared the check to have been a forgery. The present whereabouts of the Negro is not known to Mr. Jones.
The Sixth Annual Convention of the Broadkiln Hundred Sunday School Association was held in the M. E. Church on last Wednesday afternoon and evening. The attendance was conspicuous by its paucity of number.
William H. Chandler, of Scranton, Pa., shipped a carload of empty barrel last week to his tenant J. F. Case, to be used in shipping pears of which his orchard has produced many. Mr. Chandler prefers to have his pears shipped in barrels as they bring a better price and can be sent longer distances when double-headed.
The electric light wires are swinging very low down on Wilson Street north Milton.
Two shares of Sussex Trust Co. Stock with a par value of $100 sold at a public sale in Lewes last week for $303.00.
On Saturday the oldest man who was born in Milton left the town to make his home in Philadelphia. He was accompanied by his daughter, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter who are resents of that city. Wesley Coverdale is 78 years of age, a widower of many years, and since the death of his wife lived with his mother and sister on Federal Street. A few years ago his mother died, a few weeks ago his sister followed her. Since then the above mentioned children have been visiting him and returned to Philadelphia on Saturday, taking him with them. The home will be retained the way it is and should Mr. Coverdale become dissatisfied with city life he can return to the town of his nativity. Hew will reside at 5244 Upland Street West Philadelphia.
Recently a man claiming to be deaf and dumb and gibing the name of Maston Ward, and his P. O. address at Sherwood, Md., visited Milton as agent for a magazine, and victimized the people to the extent of many dollars. He took many subscriptions and also the money for them. Having waited a reasonable time and receiving no magazine, J. M. Lank, Trust officer of the S. T. T. & S. D. Co., wrote to the postmaster at Sherwood, Md., making inquiries about the man. The postmaster replied stating there was no man of the description given belonging to that town, and he had received “letters of inquiry for such a person from Pa., Md., and Del.” The postmasters believe the man to be a “fraud” and so do his victimized patties in Milton. They also believe he is nether deaf not dumb. Pass him along.
The expert employed to examine the accounts of the Sussex Trust, Title & Safe Deposit Company visited Milton on Thursday, and reported that the books and accounts of the bank were in first class condition and complimented the directors and officers on their business management.
The Republican primary held on Saturday was without interest. There was but one ticket in the field, and but 26 votes cast. Elisha Campbell and John H. Clendaniel were elected delegates to attend the Georgetown Convention, held on Tuesday, and Dore Warren and John W. Workman were elected alternates. William B. Nailor was nominated for assessor and John Clendaniel for inspector. The most remarkable thing is the caucus held on Thursday evening previous to the election could not find a man in Milton—a town of over 1,000 population—to nominate as delegate, inspector, nor assessor; and took them all from the country. As the late ex-Governor would have said—“Well! Well! Well!”
On Thursday evening William H. Warren disposed of his store goods at public auction, and on Saturday afternoon sold a part of his household goods in the same manner.
Robert Morgan has painted his oyster sloop and beat the sails, and she now lays ready to push out, equipped for business on the day the law expires.
Walter Adkins and wife, Howard McCoy, wife, and son, who have been visiting friends, returned to Wilmington in an automobile last week.
The new annex to the colored school house, which has been held in abeyance for two years, is now nearly completed.
Mr. Henry warren, who had just recovered from a sprained ankle, has had the misfortune to sprain the same ankle again. He is again compelled to use crutches.
“Rally Day” will be observed at the M. E. Church on October the 23rd.
Mrs. Fraunsey Reynolds of near town has taken two of the children of Mrs. Wells who met an unfortunate death at her home recently near Laurel. The children are aged respectively 10 months and 7 years. They have a good home
Rev. Otis Reed of Ellendale preached at the M. P. Church on Sunday evening.
Two Bohemians at work in the Anderson cannery were arraigned before Mayor Jones on Monday morning for fighting on Sunday. Fine and cost amounted to $3.00 each.
J. M. Lank has sold to J. C. Lank a building lot on Walnut Street. Consideration private.
B. B. Walls will build a residence at Stevensonville. Two stories.
There is a large bank of earth on Lavinia Street near the town limit from which several kinds of dirt can be obtained. It is especially valuable for street and sidewalk work. Do we want clay? It is here. Do we want loam? It can be found here; and Captain Scull is the man what can tell clay form loam, you bet. And there is a streak of vein of earth nearly as white as sugar that is much sought after and used on sidewalks and in walks of parterres around the town. This is indeed a valuable bank of dirt.
Tomatoes are still coming in notwithstanding the prediction that last week would wind up the crop. There is a probability that the canneries may continue to run half of the time the present week, and maybe a part of next week.
A new iron gate has been put in front of the drain on Chestnut Street that takes the water to the branch. This precaution is doubtless needed to prevent small dogs, cats and chickens from going through.
Nearly all of the prominent politicians (?) from Milton, and of the Republican persuasion, went to the Convention at Georgetown today.
Miss Lina Pettyjohn has removed from Georgetown to Milton and opened a ladies furnishing store in the Lofland store house corner Federal and Coulter Streets.
Gideon G. Smith died in Prime Hook Neck at the home of his son on Wednesday, aged 78 years 11 months and 2 days. Funeral at St. George’s Chapel on Friday morning and sepulture made in cemetery nearby. Rev. Gateson of Georgetown conducted the last sad rites, and S. J. Wilson & Son inhumed the body.