The dry weather of the past week and the peculiar quality of the clay that has been put up on the newly repaired streets in the lower part of the town have made the atmosphere almost unbearable. Constant hauling of tomatoes through the town has ground the dirt into a powder, the minuteness of which has not only penetrated the nostrils and the eyes of the general public, but has forced its way into the stores and dwelling to a disagreeable extent. Merchants have been forced to keep the doors closed, and families who were obliged to keep screens ion their windows have been enabled to write the names on the furniture within doors. For a few days an easterly wind prevailed, which accelerated this disagreeableness and added to the general unpleasantness of the situation. And the tomatoes have been rushing in also. The threatened storm of Thursday and Friday made growers uneasy, foreseeing as they thought a severe equinoxial gale which would ruin their crop and hence there were trying to save all they could of it. Goodwin & Co., which have a large acreage under contract, were filled up, and had left over on Saturday about 2,000 baskets to begin work. The Anderson cannery which did not contract paid fifteen cents a basket for some choice ones last week. This is the only instance to our knowledge where over twelve cents has been paid. It is thought the present week will nearly wind up the crops.
Last week the following officers were elected by the W. C. T. U. for the ensuing year: President Miss Sarah Lofland; 1st vice pres., Mrs. Fannie Atkins; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. Frank Holland; rec. sec., Mrs. Clara Starkey; cor. sec., Mrs. Lottie Black; treas., Mrs. Annie Ellinsworth.
The Sixth Annual Convention of the Broadkiln Hundred Sunday School Association will be held in the M. E. Church, this town, on Wednesday afternoon and evening the 21st. An interesting program has been prepared.
Charles Conrad had a pair of mules to run away with him last week, and his left hand is so badly lacerated as to force him to carryon it in a sling.
It is understood that Waples & King hardware merchants and dealers in general merchandise, have bargained to sell their business to Charles Fisher of this district. The property will change hands about the first of the coming year.
Miss Mollie Hazzard, a teacher at Temple University, Philadelphia, after spending her vacation with her mother in Milton and other friends in Sussex, returned to her post last week.
The holes in the flooring of the Iron Bridge, mention in our last, have been repaired—pieces of tin nailed over them.
The coal burner is still at work near town. The work advances slowly, as there are but few engaged in it.
We understand the Rev. Lusk has expressed a desire to be town bailiff for six months. We think if he will mention the matter to the present functionary, he may have his desire gratified, provided he don’t want to work on the streets also.
George B. Atkins has repainted his residence on Chestnut Street.
Harry Robinson has installed an automatic peanut vender on the corner of Front and Federal Streets. Very convenient for the boys.
Rev. Mr. Matthews, a western man, is conducting a week of special service at the P. E. church of St. John Baptist. He also had a special service at the Jester House on Wednesday evening last week.
Peter B. Dutkin has a boil on his left ankle, which makes him travel with much inconvenience.
The colored boarding tent has been taken down on Lavinia Camp Ground and the lumber utilized for another purpose.
We think the mosquito crop at present is the finest of the season. At least they are along the margin of the lake and in the wood.
There are many absurd quotations that often appear in a correspondent’s letters. Such was the case in our communication of last week; either by an oversight in the writer or of the compositor. It was so glaring that all who read it must have noticed it, and will say nothing about it.
Saturday night September 17th, special: “all quiet along the ‘bowery’ tonight. Except now and then a stray picket”.[i]
A Georgetown auctioneer held a sale of Sunday articles in a part of Warren’s store house on Saturday afternoon and evening. It is said Dr. R. T. Wilson bought about all the goods put up, in the evening.
An itinerant “Steeple Jack” has painted the smoke stacks at the Goodwin cannery.
Walter Crouch, editor of the Milton Times, began working journey work at the printing business last week in Wilmington. Should Mr. Crouch be able physically to stand the work, he probably will removed his family to Wilmington and reside there. In the meantime the care of the Milton Times is under the direction of Mr. Crouch’s brother, William. Last week’s edition showed a marked improvement.
Saturday was registration day. 180 persons qualified, making 625 thus far who are legal voters.
James Roach, a former resident of Broadkiln Hundred, but for the last twenty years a citizen of New Jersey, has bought the good will and fixtures on William Warren’s bakery, store, etc. Mr. Warren have possession on Monday, and will as soon as possible remove to his farm near Milford.
Rev. Benj. Bryan of Harbeson preached an entertaining sermon at the M. P. Church on Sunday morning. Dr. Load, agent pf the Children’s home of New Jersey and Delaware, talked awhile at the M. E. church on Sunday morning after the regular sermon, and took a collection for the benefit of this institution. He did the same at the M. P. Church in the evening.
A Republican primary will be held at the Mayor’s office on Saturday afternoon the 24th, to elect the delegates to attend the Republican Convention to be held at Georgetown on Tuesday the 27th.
John M. Goodwin and wife, of Taunton, Mass., is visiting his brothers Captain George A. and Otis Goodwin, and family.
On Tuesday evening Miss Annie Davidson was elected delegate to represent the Y. P. B. at the State W. C. T. U. convention to be held in Wilmington October 26, 27, 28th. Miss Janie Wilson was chosen alternate.
J. P. Case shipped a car load of pears, on Monday, from the Chandler farm, to his landlord at Scranton, Pa.
Theodore Neal and family, after spending a pleasant time in and around Milton, have returned to their home in Philadelphia.
Charles Virden has put metallic gutters on his residence on Federal Street.
H. K. Wagamon has completed building another barn and stable in the place of the one burned by lightning during the summer.
Prof. W. G. Fearing is papering and painting the interior of the Lofland Store house corner of Federal and Coulter Streets.
Those of our people to sport inclined mat be seen of a morning returning to town, some with squirrels and some without—mostly without.
The work of widening and straightening Front Street will be resumed when the town exchequer becomes more plethoric.
Miss Ida Ponder and niece Miss Sarah Postles are visiting Milton. They are being entertained at the Jester House.
George Fitzgerald and mother of Wilmington, sister and nephew of Justice of the Peace Eli K. Collins, ate the guests of the Justice and Mrs. Collins.
Wm. S. Hickman, wife and son of Harrisburg, Pa., have been visiting W. W. Conner and family.
Mrs. James Conwell is suffering with a stroke of paralysis at the home of her son-in-law Harry Williams, near town.
On Tuesday afternoon J. Coard Hazzard, aged 89 years, went into his room on the lower floor of his residence to take a nap. It being somewhat cool he lit a coal oil stove and closed the windows and doors and went to sleep. Sometime afterward the neighbors observed a density of smoke without the building and came to investigate. In the meantime Mr. Hazzard had awakened with a suffocating sensation but did not know what was the matter, and for some time could not find the door. He was eventually gotten out, his face and beard as black as soot, but he was in good humor and for some time could not tell how it all happened. The oil stove had got to smoking and not only smoked Mr. Hazzard all over but the room and everything in the room was as black as midnight and required much cleaning to get things in status quo.
[i] The quote is a paraphrase from the song “All Quiet Along the Potomac Tonight,” which was first published as the poem The Picket Guard in 1861 by Ethel Lynn Beers, a contributor to Harpers Weekly. It was then set to music in 1863 by John Hill Hewitt, who is thought to have served in the Confederate army. The full lyrics and a MIDI file with the melody can be found at Exactly what location David A. Conner is referring to as “bowery” is unclear.