The Milton public schools will open Monday the 12th inst. and continue nine months. The faculty number the following: Prof. Ebenezer W. Warren of Milton, vice principal; Miss Myra Shears of Hurlock, Md., 2nd vice principal; Miss Mary Hardesty of Seaford, 3rd vice principal; Mrs. Stella Bacon, of Milton, primary department.
Our delegates attended the Dover Convention on Wednesday of last week as did also several of the other fellows who are high up in political probabilities
Cyrus Bacon, more familiarly known throughout Kent and Sussex counties as Ed Bacon, a leading musician of many years, is a candidate for the nomination for Coroner of Sussex County. Mr. Bacon is a resident of Milton and according to the law of retaliation, the nomination belongs to this side of the county.
Rev. and Mrs. Frank Holland left on Friday for a season of recuperation at Pitman Grove.
The latter part of last week the canneries were taxed to their capacity; Godwin Bros., who are buying more that all the other factories put together, had almost 1,000 baskets left from Saturday to commence Monday with.
A Democratic primary will be held on Saturday to elect delegates to attend the Democratic State Convention which convenes at Dover on Tuesday the 13th.
Dr. Leonard is studying Esperanto. He says “there is one thing certain, Sam Wilson will never bury me,” but the doctor don’t know everything.
During the summer when many visitors were here, we secured many subscribers to the Chronicle. They simply came and said, “We are more than pleased with the news you give us through the Chronicle and I want to take it.” And presto, no sooner said than done. They take it.
Wm. H. Davidson of Philadelphia joined his wife, who has been in Milton for a couple of weeks, on Saturday evening. They returned to the city on Monday.
Labor Day was observed by the closing of the banks, that’s all.
Arch Conwell came from Philadelphia, on Saturday evening visited his mother and went back to his quarters on Monday.
The colored camp at Lavinia’s Woods closed on Sunday night and a woebegone set were in town on Monday morning. Financially the camp was a failure, spirituality does not enter into colored camp meetings nowadays. Yet Lavinia Camp has one thing to boast of—if it has sent no one into the spiritual world by prayer, it has sent on one on the other side by pistol. The management boast that as far as returns are in, but one pistol shot was fired in hearing of the camp ground. Good record, score 100 percent for Lavinia.
Blanche Lofland, aged 23 years, daughter of James Lofland of Prime Hook Neck, this county, died in Philadelphia on Monday of tuberculosis. The remains were brought to Milford on Tuesday and taken in charge by Oscar Betts, undertaker, and conveyed to the Betts burial cemetery near Milton, where sepulture took place.
Rev. C. A. Behringer of Swedesboro, N. J., wife and son, after spending his vacation in and around Milton, returned to his home via Wilmington by automobile. Miss Elizabeth Fowler. Sister-in-law to Mr. Behringer, accompanied the party to Wilmington from whence she proceeded to Philadelphia, where she resides.
153 tickets were sold at the Milton station on Wednesday for the excursion to Tolchester.
Henry Hook has built a gasoline launch that beats the Emma Chandler, Billy Robinson’s launch, heretofore the fastest one on the Broadkiln. Billy acknowledges the fact which is generally hard to get manty people to do. Capt. Frank Carey is having an engine put in his boat and it is possible that Mr. Hook’s may be beater by this one, and the law of progress in maritime circles is for the last Dreadnaught to be the most formidable, and in boats the fastest.
The Goodwin Co. shipped a carload of canned tomatoes last week.
Racks for hitching purposes have been put on front of the Palmer Block on Federal Street. For hitching purposes they will answer but such things on the front street and in front of such a building like this, certainly mars its beauty and reflects the mechanical taste of the one who put them there. They are neither plumb, square, level nor oval.
Thomas Ingram has a two-inch auger with a four foot shank and when the water gets to standing on his sidewalk he bores holes in the ground and lets the water off the sidew2alk,. He wants to devise a means to run the water through on the other side. Tom’s a genius and he has nothing else to do than to strudy out something new.
Mrs. L. G. Short of Philadelphia, Miss Bessie Reed and H. Mount of Wilmington, are visiting friends in Milton and vicinity.
Another washout near the bridge last week. We expect there will have to be concrete wall at this place to hold the sidewalk from washing into the river.
On Wednesday Aug. 24, Mrs. Lambert Harrington and Ella Collins of Philadelphia, who was visiting Mrs. Harrington, brought a charge of misdemeanor against Charles Moore, John Moore and Dora Reed, prominent young married men of lower Broadkiln. The misdemeanor was alleged to have been committed the previous Monday at the home of Mrs. Harrington in Pine Neck. After hearing the evidence Squire Collins held the trio in $3.00 cash bail for their appearance at the October term of court, which bail was furnished by John Waples, C. A. Conner and Joseph Moore. The writer was at hearing of the case and knows all about it. There are many things we hear that at the time of hearing are not ripe for publication and this seemed to mind of the writer to be one. Last week the women came in and agreed to drop the suit if the defendants would pay the costs which defendants did.