When we look back at the phenomenal crops that were harvested last year throughout the country, and particularly in Sussex County, and the fair process to the seller that were realized for them, we are at a loss to understand the present condition of business in and around Milton. We realize that a part of the present stagnation, in all kinds of business hereabout, may be attributed to over-stimulus of trade during the holidays. The reaction set in two weeks ago, and still continues. The stagnation is general in all lines of business. We not only see no business moving, but no one to move business. We suppose the unemployed, not wishing to be seen loafing around, hide themselves in their homes or wander around the woods, or paddle around the water streams looking for muskrats; anything to keep their mind occupied. The bank complains, also of dull times. There is plenty of money, but nothing to draw it out, and set it on the circulation tour. All mechanical work of any moment is at a standstill, and carpenters and other workmen are in the glades and branches cutting firewood for their own use. Church enterprise and town improvements are agitated, but it appears they could not have come at a more inopportune time. The church benevolences we have with us always, and must be kept going; but what we can procrastinate in municipal or other matters, it would be well for us to do until some dynamic or other propelling power is inaugurated to set the bound-up, or stagnated capital, flying through the community on the winds of the morning. All we want is an impetus of some kind; and for this we have long been waiting. Last year there was plenty of work in Milton by t the prospect for this year is not encouraging. Our town is not unlike many others on the Peninsula. Employment for the workingman is at all times uncertain. There is no permanent business. And permanent business is what we need. Give us that. Put capital into some business that will give employment the year around, to the adults and half-grown men, and girls if possible, that they may make some money and have homes for themselves; and then we may with some consistency talk about water works. But at present when we have so many young men running the streets “without any visible means of support”—mere loafers around the community, and no work at home for them to do, to talk about water works is simply absurd. And yet these young men are not altogether to blame. Some of them are “homeboys” and do not want to go away from home to work. Well, in that case, it is the duty of their elders, who are able, to give them work of do at home.
A few citizens assembled in School Hall on Wednesday evening of last week, in regard to the water works problem, that someone has been agitating. The meeting was informal in the extreme. The committee appointed at a previous meeting to bond out something about waterworks did not think the problem of enough interest to them to attend the meeting., It is said, a motion of some kind was made by someone; and an amendment to this motion offered by another person, and that while discussing the amendment the original motion was forgotten, and the meeting adjourned—or got out—in disgust. Unfortunately we have some persons in Milton who are altogether too utopian, who are always hankering after the impractical and unattainable.
James A. Johnson has removed from town into the country, and taken Captain Henry Hudson, his father-in-law, in his [..] year of age with him. We are afraid this is a bad move for Captain Hudson.
Another carload of charcoal was shipped from Lavinia Switch on Saturday.
Mrs. Mamie Fowler went to Baltimore last week to visit her husband.
Miss Elizabeth Clifton returned last week from a visit of three weeks in Philadelphia.
James Wilson has removed into his new house near Reynolds Church, and William Argo has gone into the property made vacant by the removal of Mr. Wilson.
Fred Johnson has removed into the new building of Camsey Lofland near town and Charles Wilson has removed from the Ponder farm near Jefferson Cross Roads, into the house vacated by Mr. Johnson.
The advisability of passing a bill introduced and passed, at the present session of the Legislature, requiring license from non-residents of the county or State to fish in the inland streams of Delaware, is the latest agitation now on.
It is understood that Frederick Kramer, who purchased the remains of the steamer Marie Thomas, contemplates after raising what there is of the hull, rebuilding it. It is likely he may alter his mind after seeing it.
Another big otter has been killed near Prime Hook Creek. This time it is Robert Jones who killed it; and the animal is said to have been six feet long. Big fellow!
John B. Mustard has bought of Captain John C. Jones, the property he now occupies on Atlantic Street. Consideration private.
Thomas Hood has purchased of his father, Nathaniel Hood, a building lot on Chestnut Street, and will remove his dwelling from Poplar Street thereon.
On Wednesday evening the 18th, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Rust, Miss Margaret Rust was united in marriage with Mr. William Green, of Angola. The bridal knot was tied by the Rev. B. A. Bryan.
R. B. Porter, U. S. Immigration Agent, of St. John, N. B., is visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. U. Jones.
William H. Welch assumed charge of the school made vacant by the death of E. W. Warren on Monday.
James H. Prettyman made a visit to Atlantic City last week.
On Tuesday evening Captain George A. Goodwin and wife entertained the members of the Book Club at their home on Chestnut Street.
The extra meetings at both the Methodist churches still continue, with varied success.
An expert was at the Trust Company’s Bank on Monday, to examine the time lock.
An election for Trustees of the M. E. Church will be held on Thursday evening, the 28th inst.
Two more octogenarians have passed away. On Saturday morning Asa F. Conwell died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Samuel Holland, at Monday, aged 82 years, 2 months, and 12 days. Funeral services were held at the M. E. Church in this town, on Monday afternoon, by the Revs. Lusk and Holland of Milton, and Bryan, of Harbeson, and sepulture made in the M. E. Cemetery by S. K. Wilson & Son. Deceased spent most of his life in Broadkiln Hundred, and a part of it in Milton. He was a member of the M. E. Church and a licensed exhorter of that denomination.
Mrs. Lydia Ann Black, relict of the late Joseph L. Black, died suddenly on Sunday morning of senility, aged 84 years, 1 month and 16 days. The funeral services will be held at her late home on Federal Street by the Rev. Lusk on Thursday afternoon, and interment made at the Presbyterian Cemetery at Coolspring, beside her husband who was buried there in 1880. Deceased leaves to survive her six children—three sons and three daughters—Postmaster John R. Black, Joseph L. Black, Samuel I. Black, Miss Isaiah Elizabeth Black, and Mrs. Hanna Carey, of Milton, Mrs. Annie Rust, of Lewes and Rehoboth, and a host of grandchildren. J Roland Atkins conducted the funeral.