About half past eight o’clock, or when the mail arrives on every evening except Sunday, pandemonium rains in front of the post office. The door is locked, of course, and the crowd makes great objection to that, because they want to “git in.” But the postmaster says if he cannot prevent the wild yells and disorderly conduct in front of the office, he has jurisdiction inside, and will maintain his authority. This is right.
The DuPont good road proposition meets with high favor in this district. The only fear felt by our folks is that some of the wiseacres of the Delaware legislature, with their asinine proclivities for the Delaware railroad, may defeat the bill under cover of some plea or other.
A new order has gone into effect at the Milton station. This forbids loitering around the station by “loafers” and no one is allowed to enter the office except on business. Mr. Owens, the agent, will see that this order is carried out.
Ms. Lotte Welch returned from a visit to Philadelphia last week.
We quote the following from the National Tribune of Washington, D. C., study it over old men for its pertinent: “How in all the coming years, when the veterans of the Civil War will be held up to the highest honor as the iron men of the Republic’s heroic days, will the descendants of Henry Cabot Lodge and all the men and women of Massachusetts blush to recall that he led a miserable filibuster to defeat the will of the people, and deny these aged heroes a few dollars each to comfort their […] years.”
Miss Lizzie Lank of Frederica—and by the way one of the most attractive ladies in that beautiful town —is visiting her aunt, Mrs. James A. Hopkins.
A. H. Lofland is building an incubator and brooding house 10 x 18 ft. on his farm near town.
The Levy Court of this county has granted permission to the Milton Light Power and Motor Co. to erect poles along the public road from Ingram Mill to this town.
Harry Argo of Slaughter Neck was badly hurt on Sunday morning by being kicked in the face by a horse as he entered the stable.
An orchard heating apparatus has been placed in the peach orchard of W. H. Chandler, to protect the fruit buds from frost.
The ladies of Zion M. E. Church and W. C. T. U. will hold a Frances Willard Memorial Service on Wednesday evening April 9th. All are cordially invited.
Captain James Scull went to Cooper’s Point last weekend to take command of the schooner Emma Reis, of Milford.
Matters have gone pretty fair the past week, considering we have had so much that is grand. The Wilmington Conference at Wilmington; the sun crossing the line, and St. Patrick’s Day. On this last occasion the shamrock was not in evidence, but there was unusual development of green in other marts. And we have not seen the osprey yet.
Miss Edith Calhoun has resigned her position as “hello” girl at the exchange, and Miss Edith Wright has taken her place.
At the railroad station on Tuesday morning it looked as though the town was going on an excursion, and we felt some fear as though there would not be left people enough for business should herculean measures become needed. The band left to go to Harrington; several mechanics left to work on a lifesaving station in Virginia; and many others came out to see these off.
Mrs. Frank Holland continues to conduct services at the M. P. Church during her husband’s enforced confinement within doors. While Mrs. Holland is Mistress of the situation, and performs her part meritoriously, we would like to ask if it is not putting just a little too much on Mrs. Holland. More especially when there’s a licensed exhorter at this church that should take a hand. For a little woman to get up before a congregation, announce the hymn, then go to the organ and play, call on a brother to pray, read the responsive services, then the morning lesson, and make her comments—well we think it is just a little too much. O, we know you will say it’s none of your business.” But we differ with you. We’ve got our eyes on you and expect to keep there.
We are informed by one of the oldest members of the M. E. Church that last Sunday morning was the grandest time he ever saw in that church, save one. “Didn’t have a preacher, neither?” quoth I. “No, and don’t need any.”
We are informed the Rev. H. O. Hurst will be the pastor of the M. E. Church the coming conference year.
On Monday evening Town Council re-elected John B. Mustard street supervisor, bailiff and tax collector for another year. There were other applicants, but Mr. Mustard’s fitness for the position was appreciated by Council, and he got the office. “One swallow doesn’t make a summer.”
Pearl Elizabeth Ott died on March 18th at the home of her parents in Centreville, Md., of pneumonia, aged 7 months and 11 days. The remains were brought to the home of James Pettyjohn in Milton, and from there sepulture was made in Odd Fellow’s Cemetery on Sunday, by S. J. Wilson & Son.