August 13, 1909

While passing over the bridge on Wednesday D. A. C.’s hat blew off into the river. It landed where there was scarcely any current. Steve Sockum said: “I’ll throw a brick and produce a current, and make it go to the other current. Steve did so. And then he threw another, and the hat was navigated toward a yacht, near the shore where we assembled waiting for it to drift down on us. Frankie Felds came round on a double quick, with a hoe, a pitch fork, and a garden rake; and Frankie caught the hat with the rake. Our thanks are due to all the friends of this important occasion.

George A. Bryan has sold his tent on Lavina’s Camp Ground to Jerry Hazzard, who has torn it down and removed it to the colored quarters in the same wood.

George Roach, a resident of New Market over forty-two years ago, has been visiting around Milton. J. B. Welch is one who is acquainted with all of these New Market fellows of a century ago, and John is not old.

The M. E. Sunday School held its annual picnic on Thursday. Lavinia camp ground was the place chosen this season; and a merry time was had. Much better than going to the beach, was the comment by many who have had an experience in beach picnics.

Lavinia Street leading from Mulberry to the town limits has not been cleaned of the grass for the coming camp meeting. This is generally done, and presumably will again be done the present week. From the town limit to the camp ground should also be cleaned, especially on the causeway. The road from the ground to the said road has been torn to pieces by hauling and “snaking” piling from the opposite woods to the switch, and cannot be made a good promenade this season. Those whose duty it is to see to this work, will doubtless have everything in splendid order in proper time.

While operating on a sewing machine on Friday Mrs. Emma Johnson drove the needle into and through the nail of the thumb of the left hand, where it broke off. A part of it has been extracted, but it is feared not all.

Robert Blocksom of Magnolia is a Milton visitor.

We have been informed our friend R. C. White[i], Esq., of Georgetown, has declared himself a candidate for nomination for Representative in Congress next year by the Democratic part. Better wait three years longer, “bob,” and then should you get the nomination and be elected you will be in Congress to help formulate the next tariff bill, and you know “Bob” there’s where a Congressman gets the most honor. Recent developments have shown there’s nothing will give a Congressman so much honor as voting for or against a tariff schedule—or dishonor.[ii]

J. C. Palmer is making improvements to the home recently purchased on North Union Street.

Nathaniel Sharp, of Cave Neck suburb, is having his property painted by Smith & Sons.

There probably was never more apples in this hundred than will be raised this season. Curtis Reed’s orchard, near Reynold’s Church, is all aglow with them. 1000 baskets can be picked at any time. Mr. Reed sells the most marketable and converts the others into cider and vinegar, and make a good thing out of the business.

A. G. Raught is yet shipping piling from his private side track, west of town.

The Times said “A booby-owl[iii] awakened the residents around Broad and Union Monday night by its terrifying cry.” No use sending one booby owl. Reinforce him; or the poor bird will go to sleep himself. The air is so somnific in that locality.

Able Pettyjohn, of Camden, N. J., has been a Milton guest.

Mrs. Edith Wilson, after a visit of several weeks to her mother, has returned to Philadelphia.

Mrs. Elizabeth J. Coverdale is visiting at Nashville, Tenn.

Mrs. Hattie Phillips, nee Veasey, of Collingswood, N. J., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Veasey.

Mrs. Albert Davidson and children, of Camden, N. J., are spending some time on Broadkiln Beach, and visiting their parents nearby.

The A. M. E. Sunday School of North Milton picnicked on Slaughter Beach on Saturday.

Levin J. Lank of New Castle has been paying one of his regular visits to Milton. Thirty or more years ago “Levin Jeems” lived near Holland’s Mill, and came to Milton once or twice a week. He always carried a long single barrel gun and wore a game bag, but we never heard of “Levin Jeems” killing any game. He says he likes to come around and see the people. Certainly this is right and “the people” are always glad to see “Levin Jeems.”

The personal property of the late Celia Conwell was sold on Saturday by her administrator Charles S. Richards, Esq. of Georgetown.

The practice country people have of stopping teams across the sidewalks of town is becoming more frequent than ever. Last Saturday it was notably observable; and the town bailiff made one man “git” on a downtown crossing. The occurrences are more often in the upper part of the town and last Saturday it was almost unbearable. At Waple King’s store people were obliged to walk around these teams when there was plenty of room for the teams to have driven off the sidewalks instead of stopping thereon. The town bailiff is not supposed to be omnipresent; but if one is not enough, get two on Saturdays. If the town ordinance of $5 for each offence of this kind is put into execution a few times, the offences will cease.

We are glad to note that the sick people on Broad Street are all getting better. Thanks to the sanitary condition of the town this disease (typhoid) has been kept under. There is but one other case we are aware of, and at latest accounts this one is serious—on Chestnut Street north of Manship Avenue.

Samuel Fisher and daughter, experts of the Goodwin Bros. & Conwell packing works, are here this week, and will make their home with Mrs. Stanton and family, near the works of the company.

Miss Fannie Lofland of Milford is visiting friends in Milton and other friends in and around here. Miss Lofland will remain here two weeks.

A mink that came from under the house at the corner of Broad and Union Streets on Monday morning engaged the attraction of several men and women for a short time and finally escaped into Mr. Atkins’ cellar where it remains at the present.

James Jester occupied LeRoy Johnson’s aerie in the Mulberry tree a short time on Sunday.

Some friends of J. H. Markel from Shrewsbury, Pa., visited Milton on Saturday, in an automobile, returning on Monday.

Walter Workman is having a tent built on Lavinia Camp ground.

On Monday the M. P. congregation introduced a new organ into their church.

Captain Frank Lacey has this week put a new foundation under the front porch to his residence on Federal Street.

The Goodwin Company has re-roofed the barrack used by their help with rubberoid; and are this week inspecting their machinery and getting ready for work.

Plenty of watermelons in town, and butter beans galore.

The Shirt and Overall factory will close on Saturday, to give its employees a chance to attend the camp meeting, should any of them wish to do so.

Mrs. Elizabeth Lingo is quite ill at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Black, on Chestnut Street.

Harry Burris died at the home of his parents in Harbeson, of consumption, on Thursday, aged 20 years and 10 months. Funeral services were held at Beaver Dam on Saturday morning by the Rev. Bryan and interment made in the adjoining cemetery by S. J. Wilson & Son.

Elizabeth Lingo, relict of the late Paynter Lingo, of Long Neck, died at the home of her son at Collingwood, N. J., aged 77 years and 10 months. The remains were transported to Harbeson on Thursday [..]. Funeral services were held at […] by the Rev. Joseph […], and burial made at […] Chapel by S. J. Wilson & Son.


[i] R. C. White litigated the lawsuit seeking damages for the wrongful death of John W. Reed, on behalf of his client Mary Reed, against the Queen Anne R. R. Co., from 1901 to 1903. He ultimately won the case. For a more detailed description, see this posting.

[ii] I believe that David A. Conner is making a sly reference to the Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act of 1909, named for Senator S. E. Payne from New York and Sen. N. W. Aldrich from Rhode Island. The tariff, signed into law by President Taft, split the Republican Party and cost them the congressional election of 1910. The law was also attacked by publishers, as it imposed a tax on imported paper.

[iii] A regional dialect term for a screech owl.

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